What retro things have you done today?

Had a go on this classic last night. Plays really well on the RG35XX

Looks like its a P35 Diamond maybe?
P35 neo2 ;)
2x nvidia 210 ?????? (why?!)
4 sticks of 2gb DDR2
freezer 7 pro
Unknown CPU.
The seller said it powers on but doesnt work but I am really hesitant of that PSU and the fact that its only got the 20pin in the 24pin slot and a 4 pin in the 8pin. I know that this does work but it would have really stressed the wires.
Cant really mess around with it until tomorrow so wont know if it even works or what CPU surprise is in there.
3 or 4 screens presumably. We used to do something similar when we built our own machines at work
Ah, the seller did say it was used for video editing, so perhaps I can hold out hope for a top end CPU in there..!
I have a weird soft spot for the 210. Purchased a pre built that my 260 wouldnt fit in without mods so had to use the 210 for a while. It was terrible, but also did work to play lineage 2 and wow. I think I even played whatever CoD was current on it as well.
Ah, the seller did say it was used for video editing, so perhaps I can hold out hope for a top end CPU in there..!
I have a weird soft spot for the 210. Purchased a pre built that my 260 wouldnt fit in without mods so had to use the 210 for a while. It was terrible, but also did work to play lineage 2 and wow. I think I even played whatever CoD was current on it as well.
Ooh so in theory a quad then, just looked up the CPU support and will take the Q/QX 9xxx chips so fingers crossed!
Im cloning the SSD on my dads i5 750 which has been his work pc since i built it new :cry:.. SSD of the same brand (hypertec) died recently and he said his PC was playing up so its in for its service and clean and a new SSD. ive just shooed the spiders out. they can find a new home
Great night! Worst possible outcome for the mystery PC :cry:

About 15minutes after uploading this I got a nice boom which tripped the whole house. Killed my testbench PSU :cry:
That was as soon as power was connected!
So I took the heatsink off to see if the CPU was any good... Core 2 duo E8400..
So I have 2x Geforce 210s
4x 2gb DDR2s
arctic cooler 7 pro
Average mid 00s case
Dont know if I will bother trying to see whats shorted. Maybe keep the board aside for a rainy day.
I'm pretty sure Random Gaming in HD or one of the other ones did an SLI test and you could force some legit SLI scaling on the 210s

Otherwise you should buy some weird slow GPUs for no one cares about for pennies and SLI them like GT220s or 8500GTs so I don't have to!
Yea he did it! Think LTT did it too! I think I kinda have to do it now but will need to find an SLI capable board first.
Put that lot to the side now. The AGP/PCI-E board turned up and looks great plus has the backplate which was not mentioned. Time for a mega overkill 98 build I think.

I am on my last PSU for retro sillyness so will be hunting for those next.
Any ideas why my Gotek isn't working? It's detected fine by the BIOS and doesn't hold up POST but the Gotek won't read my floppy usb stick, I just get a disk read error.

I've tried reformatting the USB stick and rewriting DOS disks onto it (which went fine). I've swapped floppy cables and power cables and changed from controller card to motherboard header. The BIOS is set to 1.44mb 3.5" which is what the USB stick is set to be. I've removed B drive from the cable/ power and BIOS.

The little green light on the drive lights up momentarily but it just won't boot. Fortunately one of my older drives has DOS on it and when I try to load a disk or any contents of a disk I still get the disk read error so it isn't a booting form floppy issue.

Anyone have any ideas? I feel like I've tried everything!
Thanks for the inspiration folks, ordered one of these on Amazon today arrives tomorrow. Does it come with any roms preloaded? If got a large stash elsewhere just in case.
tons preloaded yeah

Mine did arrive in the end, but I'm so terrible I haven't got anywhere with the games yet. As a kid I used to beat Street Fighter regularly but now I can't win a single fight. Feels bad man.
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