What time do you go to bed and wake up in the morning?

Usually approx 2200-0515, much harder to wake that early Oct to March when pitch black.
Bed between 11pm and midnight then up at 5:45am. I do sometimes nap in the afternoon as I do a afternoon collection which is 2 hours after my normal shift.
Bed between 10:30-11 after walking the diggety dog for his last wee. Wakeup around 7am. A little later on weekends.
It's fine.

The quality of the sleep is more important than the amount.

This. I go to bed by 10-1030. Up by 530am by habit really now. 630am is a lie in for me.

I hate going to bed late. I do sleep deeply and quickly.
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Weekdays and Sunday night, i'm in be for 8.30/9pm, up at 3.30am for work, weekends, in bed about 10.30/11pm depending on what's happening
will generally be in bed and asleep between 9.30 and 10.30pm
I'm quite like you, but maybe 30 minutes later. I know I go to bed quite early, I think it's from my youth when I had a paper round and would always be up super early. These days I like to be out on the bike (when the weather is nice) nice and early. Last week I set an alarm for 5:30am... but then saw how dark it was and just sat on my computer instead :cry: Today out of bed at 6am, will head off to the gym in 15-20 mins. As someone else said, I don't like to be rushing about, so give myself plenty of time to get things ready.

Is there a reason you go to bed so early? I would suspect you could train yourself to sleep in if you stay up later?

Bottom line though, sounds like you average 6½ hours sleep, which is about what I do and I think that's just fine.
I tend to go to bed early because I'm a morning person rather than a night person. Come 10pm I'm keen to get in bed with a book and recovered for the next day.

Everyone's different of course. As long as you get a decent 7hrs of proper sleep with good REM/Deep sleep balance it doesn't really matter ultimately.
Currently on weekdays it's bed at 10-11, up at 6:30-7. When there's no school days, I might be in bed until about 8-9.
I used to go to bed around 9:30pm on weekdays, read until 10pm, then pretty much fall asleep straight away until a 6:30am alarm.

Weekends was go to bed around 1:00am and then up around 10:00am.

Since having twins it's aim to go to bed by 10pm and then see what the night brings lol.
I get about 3 hours sleep on average as i suffer terrible with insomnia...

Been like this for last 4 or 5 years.
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^^ I feel for you dude, everything feels hard when you are tired. My GF has a condition where she has exceptionally vivid, violent nightmares most nights, wakes up crying/ screaming/ in utter panic to the point she fears going to sleep, her tiredness is dibilitating.

I personally go off about 11, alarm set for 5.45, always wake up before the alarm, never feel like I have had enough sleep but going to bed ealier just results in waking up even earlier, when I was younger could sleep for ever !
Go to sleep between 12 and 1 most weekday evenings, wake up 7.15-7.30.
Weekends I stay up later and wake later usually 9-10.
My kids have been waking up earlier then us for years. They sort out their own breakfast and watch tv/play games. They enjoy having their own time in the morning. My time is after everyone else goes to bed!
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