24 Season 5. I think this might be the first time I've properly watched this season through since it originally aired but either way, it's sloppy stuff. I know many will say 24 hasn't aged well in general but taken for what it is the other seasons still hold together well once you suspend a bit of your disbelief, but season 5 is standing out to me as really quite bad. They kill off multiple established characters for seemingly little reason, President Logan takes advice on managing multiple terrorist threats and attacks essentially from one other person (traitor alert), Jack's ability to break rules/laws then be detained then be released to go and break more rules/laws reaches stratospheric levels all while women who he's lied to fawn over him, CTU gets breached twice within hours, and there are numerous other plotholes all over the place.
It just reeks of them trying to cram far too much into a season for shock value, and while it probably worked better at the time when you were watching one episode a week, when you're watching several a day it quickly adds up to nonsense. Quite a disappointment and nowhere near as good as the previous seasons.