What TV shows are you currently watching

After about 16 years I've just watched LOST in totality. Think it gets a bad wrap overall but enjoyed it even though we all know the ending and it does drag on a bit.
Absolutely ploughing through Game of Thrones - now on season 6.

After a bit of a (relative) sag in seasons 2 and 3 it’s become top notch again. There were so many bits I’d forgotten, mostly regarding things that happen ‘oop north’ - I know I’m enjoying it when I end up shouting “come on, get him!!!” at the TV during a spicy fight sequence :o :D

My favourite character has been Ser Davos Seaworth - love that guy.
First two seasons were very strong. But honestly there is no story to season 3. Not unless it gets a lot better anyway.

Seven episodes in, and I'm really enjoying it. I think the story and writing are as strong as ever, and it takes more time to explore some of the characters.

But then I'm not really sure what wasn't to like about the first two episodes so I guess your mileage would probably vary :)
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