What University do you attend and what do you study?

1 - Keele University
2 - Originally Info Systems & Biology (but IS turned out some what different to what i thought it would be like)
3 - In my 1st year
4 - Very much indeed
5 - Good question

anyone from here go to keele? its in the middle of nowhere :(

What are you studying? Bsc (HONS) Civil engineering an CAD (the CAD shouldnt be in the title really from the amount I've done :mad: )

Period: 3 years repeating second year at the moment.

Do you like what you're doing? NO! well some of its ok but mainly NO!

Do you like the University and do you like your chosen subject area? I like the subject area I thought I was going into (CAD) but they seem to have neglected the fact that the course sounds like it should be heavily CAD based! :mad:. Plymouth is alright though.

Career Ideas : I have a job as a CAD operator but the contract fell through and i havent been given any work yet. :mad:

So overall pretty ****** off! gotta keep smilin though :D ;)
Swansea Insitute Of Higher Education

BSc Computer Games Development

3 years, so far im half way through

Do you like what you're doing?
I love it, and yes this is what i wanted to do, its a bit different to what i expected but its cool

Career Ideas
Looking to get in games industry as quickly as possible after graduating

Keele University


BA Economics and Finance


3 Year course and I'm in the second year of it.

Do you like what you're doing?

Love the uni but some of the modules in my course are quite dull.

Career Ideas

Not too sure yet, I'm going to try and get a placement over summer through a scheme called graduate advantage. Hopefully this will give me a better indication of what I want to do.
Going to uni this september (Hopefully) so I can't say. Seems like there's a lot of Medicine students :eek:
What University do you attend?


What are you studying?

Computer Science

How long is the course and how much have you done?

year 1 of 4

Do you like what you're doing?
Do you like the University and do you like your chosen subject area?

Hell yeah I like it. Lots of people get to uni and realise they picked the wrong course and they don't like it. Glad I'm the complete opposite.

Career Ideas
What you're looking into, and list any job(s) you've been offered.

Computer games programmer hopefully.

The course is good, its a challenge (in my first year doing GBA developement using assembly/C :O)
Wow that's cool. I wouldn't have expected you to do something like that in your first year! I've had a play with GBA programming (while I was still in school in my spare time) and it would certainly be a challenge especially for people with little or no programming experience. I made a little FF6 clone on the GBA. I grabbed some sprites from a website and got an animated character to walk around a room. It's not much but I learnt a lot from doing that.
University of Plymouth

BA/BSc Geography (Hons)

1st of 3 years.

Do you like what you're doing?
Yes. It's great at times, the Geography department is huge. Only thing that annoys me really is money problems which never seem to go away.

Career Ideas
Something that pays well but isn't an office job *shudders*
I've considered doing Officers training in the Army. But otherwise, I really don't have a clue. As long as i'm happy, I don't mind.
University of Strathclyde

BSc Software Engineering

5 years (including 1 yr placement). Currently in 2nd year.

Do you like what you're doing?
The union :D (one of the best in Scotland tbh). Really enjoy the course, very relevant material, course is delivered in a very practical and friendly / informal manner. Cover Java, C, ASM, Sys Analysis / Sys Design, DBs, HCI...all the important stuff. Highly enjoyable in my eyes.

Career Ideas
Probably full-time Software Dev, with ideally being able to work on a mix of Open Source and Closed source software. I'd also consider a job as a Systems Analyst. Also if I didn't get an offer to return from my placement employer, I'd probably stay on and either do a Postgrad. or become a research student for the department.
Nix said:

I've considered doing Officers training in the Army. But otherwise, I really don't have a clue. As long as i'm happy, I don't mind.

Oooo hello :) Im doing that...sandhurst september 07 hopefully! (Sorry to go OT).
University of Cambridge.

Computer Science.

Final Year

Do you like what you're doing?
Yes. Hard work though. Too many courses which give the class 'nerds' a big starting advantage.

Career Ideas
Applied for a Phd. Professional Gambling (seriously). Failing the first 2: Software Development or Investment banking.
The University of Nottingham.

Mechanical Design, Materials, and Manufacture (MEng) 3rd year atm.

Do you like what you're doing?
Hated it at first, but it's much better now, and more interesting. But the exam are all screwed up, and in my best management subsiduary module last semester i got 32%, whcih is physically impossible as i aced at least one question which was lifted from a past paper. STUPID FKIN UNI :rolleyes:

Career Ideas
Am looking into internships at the moment. Possibly Rolls Royce, shell, aston martin, or a local engineerng firm recommended by a family friend who knows the CEO. :D . Id love to get into motorsport, ideally F1, but that's the ultimate!
Kingston University.

Computer Science.

1 of 4 Years.

Do you like what you're doing?
Course isn't too bad. The university could have less 'tards.

Career Ideas
MSc, alternatively, Consultancy or Investment Banking.
- University Of Salford

- English and Creative Writing

- Three years long, currently in my second year.

- The uni is great and the course is good. However I'm beginning to grow bored of studying, I think I will be pleased to leave next year.

- I'm hoping to go into teaching. I'll continue to write in the hope of being published though!
- University of Salford
- Digital 3D Design
- 1st of 3 years (after a gap year)
- Course is pretty laid back, love the work and the people though :D
- Hoping to go into TV/Film industry somewhere along the lines

edit - Right after another Salford student :D *waves*
University of Central Lancashire

Computing Multimedia

1st of 4 year 1 year on placement

Good times, works getting full on now tho, nice atmosphere

Will be specialising in year 2 on software engineering or development undecided as to which to go for yet.

Oh my god, we're going to have a world full of investment bankers! I'd be interested at how many actually know fully what they do, and why everyone wants to be one, I have a feeling it's just the money factor.
Glasgow Caledonian

Multimedia systems and web development

4 years, in my final year

Do you like what you're doing?
Parts of it I enjoy, despise pretty much any sort of programing,
enjoy the hardware and graphic design subjects more.

Career Ideas
Police force, Fire service or RAF
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