What was everyone's 1st pc and game?

12 Apr 2020
I was just reading thread of someone who asked whether he could get a pc that could play anything for £300 to £500. Got me thinking about my 1st computer
ZX spectrum and Jet Set Willy....played that for hours(might be showing my age a bit here). Well that was the 1st of my rather expensive hobby now. Anyone else have any fond memories?
I cant remember the PC, all I can remember is my dad brought it home and set up under the stairs and me and my brother used it more than he did.

I do however have a distinct memory of playing Croc: Legend of the Gobbos sometime in the late 90's (would have been around 8 or so) SHAZAA!! OHHH!!! OWCCH!! WAHAYYY!!! YAZZOOO!!! CAPOW!!!
I also can recall playing allot of Toy Story 2 on PS1, Sam and Max Hit the Road on PC and also Metal Gear Solid which I have a memory of going around my nanna's house during someone's birthday and my cousins where playing metal gear (1st one) on the TV and I got to play alittle bit (got it myself shortly after)
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First game - what counts? Pong on a 2nd hand orange lump of pre-computer plastic? A hand held lcd afterburner game? A pile of rubbish games on a 2nd hand acorn electron? Lemmings on an Amiga 500 was probably the first one I was proper hooked on.

First PC? Who cares. It was rubbish.
Had a tape player, and something else you had to write the code in from the book. I think the tape player rarely worked, but I remember something like roadrunner? And chucky egg I think too. Main one though is playing gauntlet and settlers with my dad.
Parents got me Dragon 32 computer with a Defender(side scrolling) style space game. I'd asked for a ZX Spectrum.

First proper PC was a 486 dx2 66 with Command and Conquer.
ZX81 was the first personal computer I remember having though I can't think of anything that stands out fondly enough to count as a first game. Very frustrating to type on as I recall.

Can't think for the life of me where it came from. I think we got it around the time when we bought an Atari 2600 console.

Later on, the first proper machine I had was the BBC Micro B+, but again, I'm not sure what the first game was that I played on it (*may have been Death Star as that was one of the few games that came with the unit).
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Amstrad CPC464 given to me by my late Grand Father. It had the tape deck and I recall getting some sort of gaming magazine every month or week and having to type the game code from the magazine into the machine and if you typed something wrong it would throw an error, something like 'syntax error on line 39' Very fond memories. I'm certain it was not the first game I played but I remember buying and loving Rick Dangerous 2

zx .. and elite before that was intel console.. after that a dx33 quickly upgraded to a 66 ... but my amiga 500 was awesome :) that was all a long time ago ...lol
IBM pc with a 486cpu, cant mind model or designation this was very early 90s, ran dos based games but cant remember any of them, first proper pc that i remember was a Mesh computers P133 with an ATI rage graphics card, cant remember the name of the game that came with it, some sort of 3d tank shooter, remember playing that and thinking it was amazing, having come from ZX spectrum and Amiga 500+ the 3d graphics were out of this world to 11/12 year old me
ZX80, kit form that you built yourself (including soldering). Can't remembeer the name of the first game I had on a computer, but it was on the Vic-20 and a plane flew over tower blocks and you hit the spacebar to drop bombs.
My dad took a zx81 home one day.
My dad would often stop off at the pub on the way back from collecting me from school - and there on the other side of the bar, was... a space invaders machine!! Being able to play at home was both amazing, but also somewhat lacklustre.

Odd the things we remember...
First game: Pole Position on the Atari 2600.

First PC Game: Some kind of absolutely crap DOS based racing game that came on my 486-SX33 pc that my parents bought me for college. PC gaming back then was absolute turd for the most part. Everything changed when some game called Doom arrived, scared the pants of those without a DX cpu, and took over workplace productivity worldwise.
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