What was everyone's 1st pc and game?

my first PC was a pre-built from PC World :D:D:D

It was made by Tiny but can't remember any of the specs. Didn't take long before I started swapping parts out before eventually building my own from scratch and then never looked back. :D

first game was Half Life :cool:

This funnily enough mirrors my experience, a Tiny PC, Half life and Unreal Tournament were my first few games. I remember being amazed at being able to play bots in UT. I still have the original huge boxes for those games somewhere. :D
Pretty sure it was Prince Of Persia but it was 28 years ago so might have been something else. Think the other game installed was Sokoban so it might have been that.
first was BBC Micro - Elite / Repton stuff like that

my own PC was probably IBM model 80 286? my dad had something before but I don't remember what (maybe convergent mightyframe or something? with an orange monachrome monitor) - Flight Sim (3 or 4?), Monkey Island, Prince of Persia not sure which was first maybe FS
First PC we owned was I believe an LG 80286 at 12Mhz. I managed to overclock it to 16Mhz (going from memory here).

First PC game. hmm. Maybe Lemmings/Prince of Persia. Can't remember anything beyond that right now for certain. (I'm not counting minesweeper or solitaire!!)

The First PC that I actually owned as mine (and not my Dad's), was I 'THINK' a 486x2 66Mhz. Possibly a Cyrix chip. (I know it was a 486 66mhz but the Brand may have been Intel. I know for certain after that I went with Cyrix/AMD because of the cost, and I was a student.
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386sx 20Mhz, first game I bought was Aces of the Pacific and saved up for a CH Flightstick just to play.

By gum, it was a baptism of fire getting Aces to work, took me about 2 nights. I was barely getting my head around DOS and had to create a boot disk, load mouse drivers, understand Himem, sound drivers and Emm386 memory!

I will never forget when the intro loaded! Brilliant game and still playable now.

GP Unlimited was my next game, it was an F1 game produced by Accolade of Test Drive fame. With GP Unlimited it had its own circuit builder, where you could make your own tracks just like Scalextric, and race against AI. You could make circuits which were gigantic, honestly, take 20 mins to complete a lap. :D

The physics were not great, its a shame as the idea was quite clever. The original Microprose F1 GP is a much better game and very nostalgic to play now (a time when F1 was decent).
Championship Manager on my mates Amiga, it was all so very strange being a console kid but I was addicted and bought my own PC a few years later.
Atari 2600 (not a PC tho!) & Laser Squad (game).

C64 (still not a PC!) & hmm, well I'm not even sure what my first game would have been on that. It was a hand-me-down. Can reel off a few games that I used to play on it but no idea which I played first. Sheesh I was about 7 or 8 years old :p
Probably mostly Apogee games on DOS for me in the mid 90's. Crystal Caves, Secret Agent, Biomenace, Hocus Pocus e.t.c
First PC was a 486DX2 66mhz, 4GB RAM

First game was Doom and then Pacific Air Wars.

Before that it a BBC model B, master system, and megadrive.
First pc was some awful cyrax cpu that was worse than the original pentium series.

First games I put real time into were both blizzard games.
Diablo 1 on battle net
Starcraft + broodwar

To this day I still remember my non duped stormshield dropping from a nightmare Lazarus run.
First PC: IBM P70 "luggable" hand-me-down from dad (386DX-20, 8mb ram, 120mb hdd).

First Game: Probably Bubble Bobble or Speedball on the Amiga 500
First pc was something my brother put together for me, had some Cyrix cpu and a huge 4mb ram.

First game was Speedball 2 on Amiga 500
ZX Spectrum +2 was my first "PC" and I think it was a game called Turbo Esprit that I first recall.
Although what I'd consider my first real PC was actually a Acorn Archimedes A410 I inherited; loved that thing; spent months playing SimCity Classic on it
First family "Windows PC" was fairly standard - 486 type setup; played a lot of SimCity on that as well along with the usual FPS (Doom, Duke Nukem, etc) and a surprisingly long amount of time playing "detroit" where you ran a car firm!

My own first proper PC I bought when I went to uni in 2004; some Fujitsu Siemens desktop that was so bad the first one lasted 3 days before it died; PC world however did do themselves out of about 300 quid when they gave me the wrong flat screen monitor that was part of the package; (a 22 inch one instead of 17 inch) so it was all good - played nothing but Battlefield 2 on that for bloody ages!
Something on the olde BBC, like Asteroids or Defender.

Proper memories I have was Spy vs Spy on the Spectrum.

Dad also had a beefcake of a laptop with this amazing platformer on it. Can't find or remember the name. I think it's relatively unheard of, since I haven't spotted it in any YT videos on 80/90s gaming.

First proper PC was a 486 dx2 66 with Command and Conquer.

Ha, I had Red Alert on that spec and the later missions ran at a crawl.
Probably something like Command & Conquer ... a real classic!

That or maybe one of the late 90's WWII flight sim games where you fight for airspace over the channel and you could do dog fights etc over the cliffs of Dover - had my first joystick for that and one of the Wing Commander games which had like 6 CDs.
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