What was everyone's 1st pc and game?

My 1st PC was an Amstrad 386SX (88/89). Floppy drive no HD, VGA monitor no sound card (Added a Roland LAPC sound card shortly after). 1st games, Indy 500 and A10 tank killer. I remember spending a couple of hundred pounds for a CPU cache upgrade that made a huge difference. After that it was a Viglen 486/66 and after that, a Dell Pentium Pro before I moved onto build my own.

This is the sound track from A10 tank killer on the same chipset as the LAPC. At the time this was amazeballs for music on a PC. The mainstream took a while to catch up and was very poor in comparison, Adlib and soundblaster. It was quite the step backwards in PC sound coming from the Atari ST \ Amiga era.

A-10 Tank Killer (the best of classic PC game music, Roland MT-32) - YouTube

This highlights the difference in the sound cards back in those days...

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First game would be Some sort of F1 game for the Commodore 64
First pc 386 DX 25
First Pc Game Civilisation.
First PC upgrade Adlib sound card.
I remember dad buying an AMD K6 200mhz/32mb system that someone built him from work. The awesome thing about it, was the 4mb Voodoo accelerator in there.
G Police was the first game I got on it, but what truly converted me to PC gaming over consoles was Might and Magic VI a few months later.
Half the systems being mentioned in here aren't really 'PCs' in the sense of IBM compatible PCs, it seems to be more a list of old computer systems we had before we got a PC. However as the OP is amongst them I'll let people off.

First computer was a ZX81, can't remember what the first game on that was.
First computer game I remember playing on a computer at home is Daley Thompson's Supertest on the Amstrad CPC6128. I think the joystick lasted a week before it broke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAbLDtOUG6U
First actual PC was a 486 SX33. First game on it was something like Doom 2 or Asteroids. Mostly I used to play demos from coverdisks because it wasn't actually our computer, my dad had borrowed it from work, so I didn't want to invest a lot buying games given the PC could be taken away any moment.
First proper PC we owned was a Cyrix 6x86 PR200+, 16MB RAM, 2MB Cirus Logic gfx card and the first game I played was Quake, because the guy who came to set up the PC was using it to test the soundcard and 'forgot' to uninstall it :) I believe it was the evening of 14th October 1997 that I first played it and I still play it most days even now.
I'll keep console machines off the list, so in the order I had the machines;

C64 - Bruce Lee
C16 - Kickstart
Amiga 500 - I can't remember. Maybe Batman.
PC - Doom

I bought the C16 for £1 off a car boot sale with some games.
No idea on PC specs, but built my first PC back in 2003 and remember the first game I played was Star Trek Elite Force 2 online with my dad.

Back when broadband was 512kbps and everyone was getting prepared for half life 2!

Before steam and discord, there was Xfire for in game chat and teamspeak.

I know it’s shut down but Xfire used to log your gaming hours and I’d love to be able to find my old account and see the thousands of hours I had on BF2 and CSS! :D
first was a commodore 64 and played boulderdash for hours and hours

first proper pc was a amd duron system built by a local guy to our village to help the daughter for school all though she never got a look in tbh ;) think it had 512mb ram but the first proper game i played was medal of honour allied assault, and never looked back from then on ;)
BBC model B and Chuckie Egg, Frogger and Arcadians along with many others.

First PC was a Wang 8086 CGA Monitor with Leisure Suit Larry, F117a, Airbourne Ranger and Xtree Pro lol This was around 1992 and a hand me down.
Oh lord well first computer was an acorn electron later a BBC Master 128k can't remember the first game probably something on the introductory cassete (couldn't afford a floppy drive much too expensive) but had loads of games used to look forward to the monthly Micro User magazine for the new titles to be advertised as well as the reviews. :)

That wasn't the first videogame I ever played though that was something called Pong I think or bat and ball, not sure but basically two oblong bats that moved up and down the TV screen and a square ball that bounced around it was on a dedicated console no cartridge thats all it had and it had two paddles with long coiled cables like the old fashioned telephone handsets and a single knob that you turned left or right and that moved the bat up or down the screen. God that was a long time ago.

First ever game on a PC was the original Tomb Raider but I played it on the original PlayStation first. I've been playing games on video hardware for a long time.
I remember sitting on my dad's knee playing a game called Shadowcaster, then he brought Doom home in one of the huge boxes PC games used to come in. My mum kicked off about the price, good times.
First game on a computer the family owned would probably been something on the BBC Micro or Acorn Electron. A quick flick through game covers and Chuckie Egg and Repton 3 jump out and there was some text based game that I loved.

On a more windows based pc probably was a Tetris style game I used to play on my dads portable. Portable as it was too heavy and old to be called a laptop :D
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