What was everyone's 1st pc and game?

First PC was from TIME PC's in the year 2000...

Athlon 900mhz CPU with a TNT2 gfx card, 19" CRT, Quake 3 was my first game on it,
i soon swapped the gfx card for a Geforce 2 64mb
The first PC game I played was the Lillehammer winter olympics 1994 game :cry: The first PC that was my own was a Packard Bell from PC World that I bought thinking that the graphics card would be OK because it had 128MB of VRAM. Unfortunately it was an Nvidia 6200 LE (AGP not even PCIe) and it couldn't manage 10fps in game menus, let alone playing the actual games. Oh dear. Though that is a common beginner mistake, so I don't feel too silly :p
First home computer was a pre-owned Vic-20, it came with a couple of games including some on cartridge! Gorf I think was the name of a space shooter. I remember buying a game that looked like a flight simulator (IFR?), but there was no cockpit view at all, only a HUD with text lol.
First home PC was a 386SX with cut-down 16-bit data bus (vs 32-bit in the DX variant). Clock speed was 16Mhz, but there was a turbo button to boost it to 33Mhz. Commander Keen from Apogee Software was available as shareware at the time and that was the first game I fired up.
Toshiba MX100 in 1985 Had a tape player, had to write the code in from the book and when it was loading it used to screech like mad hooked upto a tv set if i remember correctly it had 1mb of memory onboard and had a game called boulderdash used to collect diamonds a bit like pacman - my wife bought me it cost £128
First 'computer' was an Amstrad CPC 464 with colour monitor. Still have it and when I occasionally try it, it works.

Loads of consoles afterwards.

I bought my first proper PC purely for a game that my flatmate had, which was FarCry.

Man, that game blew me away. The only game I have ever played and completed on every difficulty level. Looks rubbish now but at the time, wow.
ZX81 1k with a 15k RAM pack added. The game was called Mazog's.

After that I had the ZX 48k with the rubber keys, then the 128k.

Fav games are Jet Set Willy, Dynamite Dan, Dizzy, Head over Heels. Batman by Ocean games was brilliant.

Brings back some good memories :D
First game: A rip off of Donkey Kong called Crazy Kong 64 by Interceptor Software on datasette tape for the C64 in 1984.
First PC game: The first Sid Meier's Civilization when it was just released in 1991 on a 386.
First computer, Amiga 500+ and Project 1. Id have been around 6 or 7

My first own PC, Pentium 133/16MB RAM/Soundblaster 16 and a shareware CD with Duke Nukem 3D

The earlierst I can remember was Pong at a friends house on his parents Atari. I played other games like Doom and Jetpack at friends/family house on PCs before getting my first own PC in 1995 when I was 11
First PC was 386sx with a 70mb HDD, 3.5" FDD and Doom II. Not sure but I think it only had something like 4mb RAM. It ran DOS and Windows 3.11.

Might have had a 12 inch monitor. Can't fully remember.
1st computer was zx speccy 48k Xmas 1982 and I remember clearly 1st game played on it was Horace goes skiing followed by thro the wall I think it was called (arkanoid kind of game)

I had played on mates 16k before then.

1st pc I owned (I had to sell my Amiga to part fund it was an IBM BL 486 dx3 75. It was awful and not a patch on my mates dx2 66. I later glued a massive heatsink to it and could run as dx3 100 (33mhz fsb) made is hugely quicker but was pretty unstable

Not sure what game j played 1st with it but it was likely wing commander 2 (came with wing commander 2, strike commander, sim city 2000 and a few others)
First computer - BBC B at home, they were like gold dust when they came out. Had years being mocked by the Speccy and C64 owners, but where are they now eh? Elite, Knightlore and Revs were the go to games.

First PC experience was when my Dad bought home his Compaq “luggable” with the built in 6 inch green crt. I think it had Wordperfect and a Supercalc. When I started work as a dev, 486s were the tool of choice and I bought my first PC (on credit) which was a Pentium 75 with cdrom. First game was 7th Guest! Now I have so many PC’s I feel like a sysadmin come patch Tuesday.

edit - first overclocking experience was at work when the Elonex engineer showed that by changing a jumper in the motherboard, a 486 33 could run at 66!

edit 2 - my Pentium was from Escom! Remember them? I think it was about £1300 and I specced a cdrom that they fitted in the chassis but didn’t connect the IDE cable. Morons. I remember paying off the credit about 3 years later (in an unusual fit of common sense) and I don’t think I had paid off anything from the sticker price. That’s when I learnt about the credit racket!
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