First computer - BBC B at home, they were like gold dust when they came out. Had years being mocked by the Speccy and C64 owners, but where are they now eh? Elite, Knightlore and Revs were the go to games.
First PC experience was when my Dad bought home his Compaq “luggable” with the built in 6 inch green crt. I think it had Wordperfect and a Supercalc. When I started work as a dev, 486s were the tool of choice and I bought my first PC (on credit) which was a Pentium 75 with cdrom. First game was 7th Guest! Now I have so many PC’s I feel like a sysadmin come patch Tuesday.
edit - first overclocking experience was at work when the Elonex engineer showed that by changing a jumper in the motherboard, a 486 33 could run at 66!
edit 2 - my Pentium was from Escom! Remember them? I think it was about £1300 and I specced a cdrom that they fitted in the chassis but didn’t connect the IDE cable. Morons. I remember paying off the credit about 3 years later (in an unusual fit of common sense) and I don’t think I had paid off anything from the sticker price. That’s when I learnt about the credit racket!