What was your first computer game?

First memory of a computer game was playing elite on my dads BBC micro and my first PC game was Fury3 which was also my first true 3d game not counting Wolfenstein. Was a late comer to PC's. Owned an Amiga 500 for longer than I should and spent months of my life trying to beat Dune2.
Sub Culture was another early one, spent hours trying to get somewhere on that, another member of my family was into computers and had a demo disk full of these kind of games.

Oh and forgot not the first game but best xmas every! 1985 xmas day I woke to this...... Plus a 14inch colour telly.

Best xmas ever to this day! :D
Got a deal when I got my Spectrum 48K - think it was from WHSmith - bundled JetPac and Manic Miner. Sweet deal :)

laughs - I think I got that deal too

1st PC game (that I remember) was Duel II with a Ferrari F50 vs Porsche 959 (as far as I can remember anyway, the Porsche Im sure about lol) played while waiting for my boss to give me a lift home from work most nights hahaha
My memory has been jogged by a poster above, my first game was Spyhunter on the Commodore 64, though Spy vs Spy and various other games could technically have beaten it, Spyhunter is the one I remember.

First console game was a Mario/Duck Hunt double pack for the NES, ah good times.
That thomas the tank engine game.. ;_;

Hard Drivin the MegaDrive I think was the first. that or "Commando" I think it was called on the Commodore.
A game called Flying Shark on the ZX Spectrum, it took about 10 mins to load with about a 90% chance of crashing during that time waiting. :p

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