What was your first computer game?

Bat n ball. On some orange box that had two paddles and plugged into the TV. Also had a light gun to play the 'shoot the white bouncing dot' game.
Space invaders and asteroids for me... Was the Atari console classed as a computer at the time.

If not then I guess it was Manic Miner, damn that was a classic.
My dad worked for DEC and in about 1977 bought home a PDP11 with VT100 and a huge floppy drive (like 12"+) and I remember having to type in a massive amount of numbers (think he called it a boot strap) to gett it to start.

then I played Colossal Cave Adventure for about 6 months and never finished it.
A distinctly yellow game on Speccy called Cliffhanger.

Can anyone tell me what the screeching noise when a game was loading was actually caused by?
A distinctly yellow game on Speccy called Cliffhanger.

Can anyone tell me what the screeching noise when a game was loading was actually caused by?

The distinctive screeching noises were the analogue signals on tape being converted by the speccy into digital code forming the game. Some machines were a lot quieter like the C64 which was capable of playing a tune during the loading screen for the game (from preloaded code not the cassette!) It had a great sound (SID) chip for its day :)
My first "video" game was pong. First computer game, I think, was Daley Thompson's decathlon on Spectrum. First pc games were CM2 and Pizza Tycoon :).
Jetpac on the Spectrum 48k. Remember typing pokes in with me mum from Crash magazine for extra lives. Great days.

Ultimate games were the business, Head over Heels will always live long in the memory.
First ever computer game played or first ever game played on a pc as we know it today ?

First computer game played was a game we had to "program"(copy a load of stuff in) in to a zx81 at school a racing game.

First game played on pc as we know it today , ultimate soccer manager.
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My first "video" game was pong. First computer game, I think, was Daley Thompson's decathlon on Spectrum. First pc games were CM2 and Pizza Tycoon :).

the question is did you take the rubber keyboard off so you could run faster and do more somersaults ?
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