What watch do you wear?

Nice Rolex ;)

I sold my bi-metal Sub a few weeks ago :( Was gutted but it's only a watch. Had it from 2008 - paid £3800 plus a £600 trade in of my seamaster - got £4500 back for it so 6 years of wearing it every day and £100 profit ;)

The Ocean was £325 quid - And if you squint.... It's still not a Rolex :p

I'll always miss this though :

I just don't miss it enough to have £4500 hanging on my wrist that could be better used elsewhere :D
That's the thing, plenty of high quality watches out there a that don't have one of the big names on but are equally impressive at a fraction of the cost.

Enjoy it!
I just don't miss it enough to have £4500 hanging on my wrist that could be better used elsewhere :D

Ultimately this is what it comes down to. High value watches are status symbols. Enjoy the Steinhart and feel good for realising that the money spent/wasted on the Rolex is better placed else where.
That 22mm Nato that was sent by mistake has been dealt with it seems, a 20mm one arrived this afternoon with no note or request to have the incorrect one sent back. Looks like I'll be selling that shortly then :p


Right so, here now I have 3 Natos (bracelet included to compare colour) for the watch, great.

The blue one is the G10 from Timefactors, It is £9.95 in 20mm size. It's good quality, far greater than those £5 eBay/Amazon ones.

The silver one is also from Timefactors but is labelled as G10 "new", it also costs £9.95 but is slightly different. The buckles and loops are beaded slightly better, loops are spaced out better like a Maratac and are ever so slightly thicker and the stitching seems a bit tighter too. The "New" version is the one I'd recommend if you could not find a suitable Maratac one or didn't want to spend more than £10 :)

The warm silver one on the right is the genuine Zulu Maratac and cost £15 inc shipping. There isn't a Nato that's better than these really, they're indestructible. Double stitching on the edges and heavy brushed + textured signed buckles. Also has a glossy sheen to it.

Now I just need the watch to put them on...
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That 22mm Nato that was sent by mistake has been dealt with it seems, a 20mm one arrived this afternoon with no note or request to have the incorrect one sent back. Looks like I'll be selling that shortly then :p

what colour's the 22mm one? I'm thinking of getting a nato for my blue mako but cant decide what colour to go for
Same as the maratac on the right above^ Although it sold shortly after my earlier post so a bit late now :p That colour will go fine with the Blue Mako.
Where did you get the Maratac? I tried a cheap ebay Nato but didn't get on with it. Currently using a Nato style Timex Weekender strap but its looking a bit tatty.
Muhahah :D ;) Enjoy.

The collection is growing rapidly. It takes me a while to choose what to wear at the start of the day, sometimes I'll even change up half way through the day. :D


At this rate i'll be needing another watchbox sooner or later. :o

2StepSteve, thanks for the evil laughter lol :p My Parnis *should* arrive tomorrow and I've had my Jorc Gray back from repair so I'll take some pics of my collection in the watchbox tomorrow.... not as impressive and your setup there by any means mate but a different selection of pieces (and much cheaper lol!)

Also mrk, nice to read your thoughts on the different Nato straps. I'm likely to replace the strap on my Parnis with a higher quality Green Nato (I say this without having received the actual watch yet)

I'm excited - pics to follow :) and damn you all again lol :p

Closest thing to a watch.
Had this since i was about 12!

Really want a nice watch but picking one is difficult for me.
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I suppose that's a good and bad thing about the 372; easy to scratch but easy to repair :)

I was worried about the plexi when I bought it bit it really was so easy to repair, it somes with a spare crystal too and you can have it fitted free in first 2 years
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