What watch do you wear?

I agree that even if you have loads of money you shouldn't waste it. But a watch is something that will last a long time and be worn every day so it isn't a waste. Enjoying your wealth isn't the same as waste. Buying lots of watches and har(d)ly wearing them would be.

No that would be called an investment, if you bought the right watches.
yes, it spins the watches at programmed intervals to keep them wound, its a Rapport quad watch winder, available on line an from many jewellers, the quad on ( like mine ) is about £500 RRP but discounts can be had

If you're on more of a budget, search for "Modalo watch winder" on the rainforest.

I bought the 2-watch version with extra storage and am very impressed with the quality. It's also virtually silent, I have it on my bedside table and can easily get to sleep when it's running, unlike the Piccolo winder I had to return on warranty.
If you're on more of a budget, search for "Modalo watch winder" on the rainforest.

I bought the 2-watch version with extra storage and am very impressed with the quality. It's also virtually silent, I have it on my bedside table and can easily get to sleep when it's running, unlike the Piccolo winder I had to return on warranty.

I think if he was going to buy one, he'd have one by now ;)
Because I don't think it is. It would be a waste giving me one for free. Why waste something that has value to someone else when it could instead go free to them?

I don't like Rolls Royce cars either, not my style. Frothing at the mouth yet? Don't murder me out ;)

I guess everyone has there own views, I just find it unusual if someone would be offered a Ferrari or Lambo and turned around and said 'no thx'.:p
I guess everyone has there own views, I just find it unusual if someone would be offered a Ferrari or Lambo and turned around and said 'no thx'.:p

I said I'm not a fan of RRs, not Lambos and Ferraris!

Anyway, completely different game to watches.
Well, third time lucky with the Tag and it seems to have come back with all issues resolved! It now changes date at the correct time and the chronograph also resets as it should.

Also bought this watch/cufflink box from Amazon, which in turn, is making me want to buy some really cool watch movement cufflinks.

Oops, accidentally bought this :p

Was not tottaly sold on the previous version, but did like it quite a bit. However, I tried this one yesterday, and really loved the design over the other new versions. The Neo is the same price and has more features, but it was just too ugly, and had a worse battery life :)
For the box?

How are you doing anyway, G|mp? Not sure if you remember, but I offered to fix your PC many years ago as you didn't live too far away :)

The name rings a bell but I've never lived in Bucks?

Thanks for the link though, looks good quality and need somewhere for my watches and cuff links :)
Oops, accidentally bought this :p

Was not tottaly sold on the previous version, but did like it quite a bit. However, I tried this one yesterday, and really loved the design over the other new versions. The Neo is the same price and has more features, but it was just too ugly, and had a worse battery life :)

so you like samsung then lol :D
order's placed, was really torn between the Omega and Breitling but went for the steel grey/blue omega in the end, will get pics when it arrives :)

Ordered it on the bracelet, got a good discount on the High Street plus a Hirsch strap thrown in (which is worth sod all to them).

it's the same as the one in the second row of the first post here
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