What watch do you wear?

19 Nov 2004
I know which one I'd stake my life on :)

before Dive computers you had (and they are still used) slates with all their deco information on there.

I know, I dive too. Point being, these watches are dive watches in the most traditional sense. I've taken (nearly) all my dive watches diving (just for the sake of it), along with my dive computer.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Beautiful Pelagos :) although I'm also going to bet you end up with a Daytona at some point, which is completely justifiable as it will be a perfect complement to the Tudor, giving you both a diver and a chronograph ;)

It's been many years since I had a Chrono :eek:

No, it's too soon, I will wait :p

I'll be your way in a couple of weeks, we must catch up and I must check out your piece.
3 Feb 2008
It basically mean you have Rolex's little brother (or first cousin), so what I said earlier about just get a Rolex and be done with it? You are more than half way there ! :D

And I can't believe you haven't come across that article. When I googled your watch, it was the first link in the result…didn't you research the brand before buying it? If you didn't how come you said it is "unique" ?

I don't see it as "neat" though. Since up until the 90's it is a Rolex with ETA movement, they also pulled out of the US market completely since 2000. Probably because they are not selling that well. It was marketed, and still am, the working class of Rolex. Rich guy plays golfs with Rolex, miners wears Tudor in the ads etc. It is a way to get more of the market segment from the same company. The company that make my PRS guitar does the same.

They have their normal "core" line, £3k for a guitar.

They also have the S2 line, about £1k, cheaper, at a lower price point, but uses hardware that is made elsewhere. A bit like the Tudor uses ETA movement.

Good as is the S2 line for the price, people really do want a "real" PRS at £3k.

Every brand does that, some do it with different models of products, Rolex just decide to create a brand, it is just marketing.

So, just get one mrk :p

I enjoy popping into this thread from time to time and having quickly scanned the past few pages I'm fully behind Ray on this one. I could write out the exact same posts mrk, we all could - The justifications - "I know it's not a Sub but honestly, I prefer this, it has x y and z, plus everyone has a Sub, this is a little more unique"..

And then someone will go "Oh is that a Sub?" And you'll say, "No, it's a Pelagos".. And before you explain how it's actually a really nice watch they'll say "Oh.." with that confused/condescending look.. And the itch will grow, and grow, and grow..

Until you sell it and buy a Sub ;)



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I really don't understand the Sub fascination with some of you: p

I've never liked them, sure I appreciate them but I'd never buy one, that's never going to change.

Is that really so hard for that to sink in.
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20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
I really don't understand the Sub fascination with some of you: p

I've never liked them, sure I appreciate them but I'd never buy one, that's never going to change.

Is that really so hard for that to sink in.

Because to anyone else but a watch fanatic, they look the same. They share more in common than they differ.





I can also see that you will get this conversation, or something like it:-

Random - nice Rolex/is that a Rolex?
mrk - No, its a Tudor Pelagos
Random - A what?
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18 Jan 2004
I really don't understand the Sub fascination with some of you: p

I've never liked them, sure I appreciate them but I'd never buy one, that's never going to change.

Is that really so hard for that to sink in.

ive got a pelagos and id still buy a sub lol :D

... but id buy a GMT2c 1st.... then maybe a SD4000 instead.... then a sub, or maybe a DJ2 white gold.:p

The fact is that the pelagos is titanium and has a great bracelet. i think the sub is different enough to own both. its at least as different to a sub as a.nother diver from any brand. The real question is whether youd wear the pelagos if you had a sub, and on that im not so sure.
28 Jul 2004
Use to love Subs but the negative image of Rolex makes me uncomfortable. People either think you're a douchebag showoff or its fake.

But man, I do love the Sea Dweller.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Random - nice Rolex/is that a Rolex?
mrk - No, its a Tudor Pelagos
Random - A what?

Ah but you you're forgetting that I don't really care if people know what watch I have or not, I like the design and like the feel of it and it wasn't obscenely expensive, boom, done.

All I've said before is that people who know it will appreciate it the same way I do, to everyone else it's just a watch. The Longines got nice compliments regularly because it stood out in blue as did the Halios. I'll miss that a bit I guess and I expect nobody to take notice of a matte black watch with dull Titanium casing. They'll sooner notice the insane lume in a dim room though, it gives my friend's Lumtec a good running :p

All I'll say is in pictures it looks one way, in the flesh it certainly stands out on its own next to a Sub/SD etc.

ive got a pelagos and id still buy a sub lol :D

... but id buy a GMT2c 1st.... then maybe a SD4000 instead.... then a sub, or maybe a DJ2 white gold.:p

The fact is that the pelagos is titanium and has a great bracelet. i think the sub is different enough to own both. its at least as different to a sub as a.nother diver from any brand. The real question is whether youd wear the pelagos if you had a sub, and on that im not so sure.

Yeah they are both aimed at completely different type of buyers and the Titanium case and that clasp are the biggest USPs for it, having read the threads on various watch forums it doesn't seem like Rolex will bring those features into a watch outside of the Pelagos model, well they haven't since its release in 2012 so certainly there's a lot of life to be had from it and I expect it will hold value well too.

Nothing will make me change my mind about what I'd like next though. A Sub/SD certainly won't be on the list! A Tag Monaco is on the list though. I will own one of those at some point :S
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Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
I moved on August 19th and still haven't unpacked my watch box. 2 months watch cold turkey. The only watch I have at hand is a swatch which I've worn a couple of times to count my rest periods at the gym.
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