What watch do you wear?

19 Apr 2008
Judging by the number of Emails I get from them, yeah they do. Cw pricing is ridiculous and seem to add £50 to their prices every six months. Definitely not as good vfm as they were. They were trying to flog a quartz special edition for 2.5k earlier this year. Get real!

An original C7 rapide was £300 4 years ago, the mk2 is exactly the same price now. Same with the tridents.
18 Jan 2004
An original C7 rapide was £300 4 years ago, the mk2 is exactly the same price now. Same with the tridents.

We can all cherry pick, but a google will tell you I'm not alone in thinking some success has gone to their head, hiking prices hugely. Certainly not the beacon for vfm they used to be. It even used to be their tagline lol. Not anymore.

Just been on the site..... Sale time! Betcha I get a £50 voucher in the next 30 days too....

Tbh having had both a cw and steinhart, I can even say the steinhart is much better machined etc. Better case, same movement. The diff is that the cw is pretty much worthless and the steinhart still got me nearly 75% of its value back.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Let me know if you ever want to shift on your Pelagos if you get bored ;)

Only if they update the Pelagos of now with something better in the future, which doesn't look like will happen any time in the near future,, if at all :p

I agree with what many others have said over the past few months online, that it does appear this will become a future/modern classic for the brand, if that's true then they certainly won't be updating it any time soon I guess.
18 Jan 2004
Only if they update the Pelagos of now with something better in the future, which doesn't look like will happen any time in the near future,, if at all :p

I agree with what many others have said over the past few months online, that it does appear this will become a future/modern classic for the brand, if that's true then they certainly won't be updating it any time soon I guess.

Agreed. Still a great watch. There was some internet gossip about a blue pelagos earlier this year for basel14. Wouldn't be surprised if this happens, but deffo no changes for a number of years and would in any case be a new reference.




Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I imagine a blue would look rather cool but the design would lose some of the discreet "tool"mess of the black I feel and draw more attention to itself.

Need to see one in the flesh if it ever does happen.
24 Apr 2006
SE England
Lovely Tissot FlapR! Which model is that?

We can all cherry pick, but a google will tell you I'm not alone in thinking some success has gone to their head, hiking prices hugely. Certainly not the beacon for vfm they used to be. It even used to be their tagline lol. Not anymore.

Just been on the site..... Sale time! Betcha I get a £50 voucher in the next 30 days too....

Tbh having had both a cw and steinhart, I can even say the steinhart is much better machined etc. Better case, same movement. The diff is that the cw is pretty much worthless and the steinhart still got me nearly 75% of its value back.

Yes, their prices have definitely increased over the years, they make some nice pieces but with the price hikes it just doesn't make them an attractive buy anymore. Also with them putting on sales all the time it devalues the product, especially if you come to sell the piece on. It's a shame as I do like some of their watches, they just need to reel in their pricing strategy.

I'm with on the Steinhart front, they do seem better machined on the whole. They also hold their value very well one of the reasons is because they simply can never produce enough stock, they are constantly going out of stock. Steinhart does lean more heavily on the homage side of things than CW, you need to have a taste for the whole homage thing, which I think I do. Last night I was eyeing up the CW C60 but was swayed by a Steinhart after pouring over reviews. I've been lusting after a Steinhart for a year or so now.
Chooser of poor weather meets
25 Apr 2009
Tried on a friends Moto 360 the other night.


Felt very very cheap imo, although I had just taken off my Sub which isn't the fairest of comparisons lol. Looking through the features it can do when you receive a message/someone calls you/skipping tracks whilst keeping your phone in your pocket, I can really see the appeal. The motion sensor or whatever it is that turns the screen on when you bring the watch up to look at it worked extremely well too I have to say, although throughout the night I kept seeing it randomly light up on my friends wrist whilst he was moving his arms, but much better to be that way than not lighting up when you want it to I guess.
3 Feb 2008
Lovely Tissot FlapR! Which model is that?

Yes, their prices have definitely increased over the years, they make some nice pieces but with the price hikes it just doesn't make them an attractive buy anymore. Also with them putting on sales all the time it devalues the product, especially if you come to sell the piece on. It's a shame as I do like some of their watches, they just need to reel in their pricing strategy.

I'm with on the Steinhart front, they do seem better machined on the whole. They also hold their value very well one of the reasons is because they simply can never produce enough stock, they are constantly going out of stock. Steinhart does lean more heavily on the homage side of things than CW, you need to have a taste for the whole homage thing, which I think I do. Last night I was eyeing up the CW C60 but was swayed by a Steinhart after pouring over reviews. I've been lusting after a Steinhart for a year or so now.

I've no idea what the service is like for Steinhart but it's supposed to be excellent from CW, plus you get another 3 years on the warranty (2 vs 5).
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