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Poll: What will be your 3 main factors for deciding on your next GPU?

What will be your 3 main deciding factors for your next gpu (ignoring external factors)?

  • Total voters
31 Jul 2009
Behind You
Coming from a 1080ti much of what is out there is going to be an improvement
Comparative price per performance and power efficiency
I am watching the prices tumble on the 3x series cards but also curious to see how the 4070ti fairs
With the latter I figure if they are pushing the high end ones first (to allow clearing of 3x stock) at least there is a better chance of the lower end 4x cards having less issues which require revision
AMD aren't ruled out either. It would need to be something special though
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2 Jul 2019
Price, not price to performance ratio for me. I'd like the option of a £150 card, there just isn't one available last time i looked that has encoding and reasonable performance, 1050ti isn't exactly an option for modern games now. But if money is good come winter, then warranty and cooling would be my preference.

For reference i'm still on an rx460 as i missed out on the 3050 deal and simply wasn't interested in the 3070 deals despite being online at the time.
29 Oct 2019
1. Power consumption and efficiency (max 250w)
2. Rasterization performance
3. VRAM (min 16GB)

Power consumption is first as I'm limited by how much heat I'm willing to put up with, I don't want to be sweating and uncomfortable in the warmer months. Part of the reason I downgraded my CPU to a Ryzen 5700G is because the monolithic design is way more efficient than the x (chiplet) models, so I can allocate more of the power budget to my next GPU. It has less cache but the minimum frame rates are still good enough that it won't make any difference to me. I would have picked DLSS over VRAM, but FSR 2.1 appears to have caught up sufficiently that the differences don't matter much anymore.
25 Jan 2007
King's Lynn
1. Power Consumption - not as big an issue for me during daylight due to solar panels but still would prefer lower rather than higher
2. VRAM - 16GB+ is my aim due to 3D rendering etc
3. I know it's an external factor but it's basically being able to actually buy one at a reasonable price... I refused to pay above msrp for a 3xxx series, same with 4xxx even though I really could do with an upgrade from my 1060 6GB... i would like to finally get my last few bits such as a 4K screen etc
4 Jun 2009
Yup must admit, surprising to see vram as high. So far it seems raster, vram and power efficiency the most important, if that's the case then kind of makes you wonder what hope amd have got given RDNA 2 was better on those 3 fronts than ampere yet....


Must be that "mindshare"

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1 Oct 2020
Yup must admit, surprising to see vram as high. So far it seems raster, vram and power efficiency the most important, if that's the case then kind of makes you wonder what hope amd have got given RDNA 2 was better on those 3 fronts than ampere yet....


Must be that "mindshare"

That'll have something to do with it, no doubt. Other issues include availability, and also release timing - If the 6800xt had been out first, I'd have probably got that. In my case, I was building my new PC about 3 weeks prior to gpu launch - Nvidia released first, so it's the one I plumped for.

Yes, it took months to arrive, but I wasn't aware of what the supply issues were going to be.
4 Jun 2009
That'll have something to do with it, no doubt. Other issues include availability, and also release timing - If the 6800xt had been out first, I'd have probably got that. In my case, I was building my new PC about 3 weeks prior to gpu launch - Nvidia released first, so it's the one I plumped for.

Yes, it took months to arrive, but I wasn't aware of what the supply issues were going to be.

Same here, had there been a chance of getting the 6800xt for MSRP, I would have got it but glad I didn't looking back as the 3080 and it's strengths for my gaming needs (dlss and ray tracing) ended up being invaluable over the past 1-2 years, that and it's also holding its value better as is the norm when it comes to second hand AMD Vs Nvidia
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4 Jun 2009
Bumping this since we now have the new gpus by both amd and nvidia.

I suspect peoples wants will still be the same so in theory, we should see RDNA 3 selling far more than ada as they have the better option for the top 3 criteria:

- raster
- vram
- power efficiency (at least for raster)

And obviously cheaper too, which is the main factor outside of the poll options.
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8 Nov 2006
Bumping this since we now have the new gpus by both amd and nvidia.

I suspect peoples wants will still be the same so in theory, we should see RDNA 3 selling far more than ada as they have the better option for the top 3 criteria:

- raster
- vram
- power efficiency (at least for raster)

And obviously cheaper too, which is the main factor outside of the poll options.

But this vote like some other threads are contrived to make AMD look good.

If AMD don't sell better, just maybe this vote is flawed.

Power consumption and efficiency is the top most voted metric. People buying $1k+ cards don't care whether it is 355w or 450w as long as the cooling is adequate. Even AMD have realised that on the CPU side and going that way on the GPU side pushing over 350W now.
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1 Oct 2020
I literally just posted in another thread that of the new Gpus, if I was upgrading (which I'm not) I'd be picking the AMD one, which is in line with my votes above.

I don't think sales will show that, for the simple reason that market shares of products don't suddenly flip flop from 80/20 to 30/70 in any market. It would be unrealistic to expect any different here.

And sales covering what period? From nvidias release? Unfair, the 4090 has been put for 2-3 months without a competitor. From AMDs release? Unfair, they'll suddenly have an influx of new sales.

Cheaper is outside if the poll options, whilst simultaneously being the biggest factor, I'd argue.
22 Nov 2018
Cheaper is outside if the poll options, whilst simultaneously being the biggest factor, I'd argue.

Being cheaper is the biggest factor for you maybe (and me) but it's clearly a low priority for the majority, considering that the more expensive brand has the biggest market share.

Like Nexus18 said, mindshare is the biggest factor for most people. Price is undoubtedly an important factor too but I think when people go to an online store, they sort Nvidia GPUs by price and they buy the best value Nvidia GPU they can find for their budget.

Hardware enthusiasts in this forum are trying to kid themselves by voting for VRAM, Efficiency, Raster, and leaving a comment about price being the most important factor. It's clearly not.

Some people are using the FE pricing as an excuse for choosing Nvidia which doesn't explain Nvidia's dominance for the previous 10 generations.
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1 Oct 2020
Being cheaper is the biggest factor for you maybe (and me) but it's clearly a low priority for the majority, considering that the more expensive brand has the biggest market share.

Like Nexus18 said, mindshare is the biggest factor for most people. Price is undoubtedly an important factor too but I think when people go to an online store, they sort Nvidia GPUs by price and they buy the best value Nvidia GPU they can find for their budget.

Hardware enthusiasts in this forum are trying to kid themselves by voting for VRAM, Efficiency, Raster, and leaving a comment about price being the most important factor. It's clearly not.

Some people are using the FE pricing as an excuse for choosing Nvidia which doesn't explain Nvidia's dominance for the previous 10 generations.
Fair points - I agreed on the mindshare point too, sales won't suddenly flip, but I think cost is a major factor. I have a couple of friends who have been building computers, and the sole reason they have been holding off is cost - seeing what has happened with the new gen has made their mind up to pay less and accept older tech.

Just because we enjoy tech doesn't mean we have endless pockets to fuel the hobby - cost has to be an important a factor, at which point you go for the best you can afford.

If you're putting yourself into financial difficulty to get a GPU because you rate RT over vRAM, or raster over dp 2.1 or whatever, that's irresponsible. If you can afford it, then cost may not be a factor, but that will apply to a small minority.
4 Jun 2009
I think price is important but not when talking about high end where GPUs costs 1+k, if people are willing to spend that, I'm sure they're willing to spend another couple/few hundred especially if it means getting a better/more complete package, it's the enthusiast end of the market and people will be willing to get whatever is best no matter the cost.

I think AMD have the top 3 results nicely covered with RDNA3.

They had these advantages for rDNA 2 over ampere too though but external factors such as no UK store (only choice was to pay crazy scalping prices), very poor stock didn't help.
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15 Oct 2019
I think price is important but not when talking about high end where GPUs costs 1+k, if people are willing to spend that, I'm sure they're willing to spend another couple/few hundred especially if it means getting a better/more complete package, it's the enthusiast end of the market and people will be willing to get whatever is best no matter the cost.

They had these advantages for rDNA 2 over ampere too though but external factors such as no UK store, very poor stock didn't help.
No store is less important though this time around as Nvidia's cheapest next gen card will be £1267. Last time the £649 3080 was the card of choice.
29 Oct 2019
I think price is important but not when talking about high end where GPUs costs 1+k, if people are willing to spend that, I'm sure they're willing to spend another couple/few hundred especially if it means getting a better/more complete package, it's the enthusiast end of the market and people will be willing to get whatever is best no matter the cost.
This is complete rubbish, value for money still matters even if someone is an enthusiast. Also the difference between a 7900 XTX and 4090 isn't "another couple/few hundred", it's £600+.
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