Power efficiency is the #1 - Having seen what many 40 series peoples have been doing by power limiting their cards to between 60-80% means the cards are even more power efficient and run quieter/cooler. Guess this is one of the benefits of having a card that's so fast that you can power limit it and still be on top of last gen top end cards.
I was playing in MSI After Afterburner with my 3080 Ti FE recently and did some benches in a modern games that uses both RT and upscaling to good effect, Dying Light 2 and found that I lose less than 10fps by going from 100% power limit to 80%
On a VRR monitor the framerate difference is a non-issue, so I think it's fair to say that shaving off a few degrees in heat, lowering fan speed and lowering wattage draw for the sake of "losing" a few fps but not actually noticing it thanks to VRR is a worthwhile exercise.
Now if only the prices could drop....