What would make me want to buy a mac?

Macs and PC's are no different to each other, just different alternatives of the samething a computer! both perform just aswell at there required task's only real difference is macs a priced a lot higher than a pc but i believe that is put weighed by the design aspect, but it does mean its hard fro someone interested in trying a mac coming from a pc to just get hold of one cheaply to experiment with!
Well of course, but they won't be your average pc now would they?

Well, that's because your average PC has a affordable case, unlike a mac which isn't and still looks tacky and expensive.

It's not like a metal case is £300+ and for most people they don't care, but if they do then easily done. If some people want a Mac for the OS alone, why don't they come supplied with more affordable cases? I couldn't get a rats if the case has a see through plastic window and designer styling, as long as it's well built with understated looks.
I'll disagree with that. Use a Silverstone, Lian Li case and they look far nicer.

White plastic versus brushed aluminium....hmmm

Comparing an aluminium desktop case to a plastic notebook one :confused:

I do agree though, the plastic on the MacBooks is one of the things that I don't like.
duh they are the same bloated thing on the mac :rolleyes:

Whats the difference?


Wrong, iTunes is way faster on the mac and the same with Safari. Itunes opens in 1 second on my macs from a fresh restart.

Safari is instantaneous.

I'm comparing like for like, obviously.

Desktop PC's versus Mac's
Laptop PC's versus Mac books.

It wasn't obvious?

Desktop PCs Vs. Mac's ( All but one Mac desktop are aluminium )
Laptop PCs Vs. Mac's ( All but one Mac laptop are aluminium )
It seems maddoxs theory on apple mac fans not shutting up is true.

TBH it was you and sid joining the thread that caused the problem in the first place.

If you join a thread that you know 90% of the other people in it disagree with you don't get shirty when they start posting their conflicting opinions.

This argument comes around every month or so and it's getting tired. If you hate Macs so much why are you even looking at this section of the forums?

Going back to the design I've got a Lian Li because it was the nicest PC case I could get my hands on. It's still just a boring box even if it is brushed aluminium. The Mac Pro case has lines to die for and wipes the floor with the Lian Li.

Also badbob I fail to see how caring about the interior design of ones house makes one vain. I would rather have a piece of sculpture that also plays very nice music than a fugly box that plays the same music slightly* better.

As for this

SVS PC Ultra 13 or Rel Quake subwoofer?

In what way is that relevant?


*see my previous post about anally retentive audiophiles.
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they look a lot nicer than your average pc plus osx is so much better than vista
iMacs look snazzy as do the Apple Laptops, however I wouldn't swap any iMac for my PC and IMO my PC in the Antec P182 case looks much nicer than the Mac Pro design.

Also OSX being better than Vista, surely that's down to the user? Vista is a big leap ahead of XP and is snappy, oh and is Mac OSX better for games then? ...

As for the Macs overall, I think the desktops are too expensive, but I think the Macbooks are fairly well priced, I'll be getting my own later this year for college work (and eventually Uni if it lasts). :)

Basically a Mac desktop machine doesn't interest me, however I am very interested in the Macbooks, I think they are great pieces of kit.
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How about this then...

Put OSX Leopard onto a gaming laptop, and partition the HDD so I can have the same thing as boot camp?

Would it be possible?
How about this then...

Put OSX Leopard onto a gaming laptop, and partition the HDD so I can have the same thing as boot camp?

Would it be possible?

Putting OSX on machines other than Macs is possible but illegal, do some googling.

For example if I wanted I could have Leopard on my PC with Vista/XP and boot whichever I wanted, but I don't see the need.
That's not what he asked though. He asked about a mac laptop that you could also game on.

The 8600M Is capable for most current games even if they aren't set to full sparkles.

I have both a mac mini and a macbook, both of which i hardly use. It's all about choice in the end. I'm using a xp laptop at the moment, becase i'm used to the os and it has a built-in modem, and use a xp desktop and win98 (shock horror) desktop for everything else. It's probably fair to say it's because i'm used to both systems and happy as I am.

Have dabbled with ubuntu and OSX, but when I need to do some work quick and easy I fall back on what I know. My xp box, hand on heart, never crashes and feel no need for change just for the sake of it.
man i just dont see the point of the mac vs. pc war... its as simple as this:

• for every tom dick & harry who just wants to surf the net and the like - cheap windows desktop/laptop
• your average everyday user who just wants do to standard tasks but who has more money to burn and likes the fashion statement of macs - macbook
• artistic professionals - macs
• gamers - windows desktop

theres no right or wrong, just horses for courses... i love my macbook and do all my work on it, then flick over to my pc for gaming... simple :)
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