Whats been the most disappointing game to you?

quake2 was a different beast to quake3 being slower paced!! both are still great games shame there isn't th communties there once was !

quake4 big big let down!
Personally I don't view fast weapon switch as a 'noob' feature - quite the opposite in fact. By allowing faster (preferably instant) weapon switching, you are opening up many more possibilities to the player
Slightly off-topic: Hated insta weapon switch myself personally, mainly because of the insta-switch-railgun-and-fire scripts.
As far as the Quake games go...and going a little OT now....I played 2, 3 and 4 in MP and loved them all. I would actually say Q4 was my favorite, but it missed the boat (by a long way) when it came to pure DM style MP. Raven/id also shot themselves in the foot by taking far too long to release the first patch as well.

If I could have Q4 MP with the Wireplay Q2 community circa 1997........I would be in heaven :o
Colin Mcrae Dirt just got it and have spent over 2hrs trying to get my logitech rumbelpad 2 configured to make driving a smooth experience, but the game is just damm awful for joypads :mad:
Test Drive Unlimited.

It refuses to remember my settings, any of my saves & as for playing online, NOT A CHANCE !

Sticking with good old GT Legends, it works like it says on the box
I was disappointed by Quake Wars. I know its only a beta, but I expected it to be much better, especially after some of the hype it got. I had some great fun on the original ET, but this doesn't seem to have the same soul as that did.
gamer_boy said:
I was disappointed by Quake Wars. I know its only a beta, but I expected it to be much better, especially after some of the hype it got. I had some great fun on the original ET, but this doesn't seem to have the same soul as that did.

Are people just saying this sh1te to wind me up? lmfao

Since when was Quake Wars a full release to be ridiculed? lol if you have a beta key you should be voicing your concerns in detail, as to what problems you have with it in the relevant forum. If your so unhappy with it then donate your key to Jaffa Cake so he can redistribute it to someone who would be constructive with it and post their concerns where its really needed so the games problems can be sorted by the people who are actually creating the game as we speak.

If anyone else says 'Quake Wars' i'll gnaw my own fokin' arm off!
Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars Quake Wars
HangTime said:
Personally I don't view fast weapon switch as a 'noob' feature - quite the opposite in fact. By allowing faster (preferably instant) weapon switching, you are opening up many more possibilities to the player, putting the ball in their court and letting them express themselves. The fewer artificial limits and restrictions you place on what players can do, the steeper the learning curve will be and the more exaggerated differences in skill become.

Now, I can appreciate that some people may feel that slow weapon switch maybe adds a 'tactical' element to the game, i.e. you need to think about what weapon you are carrying around because you often can't afford to switch mid-combat. But it is detrimental to the actual combat itself, you don't get the classic combos from QW like bouncing them with a rocket and then pinning them to the ceiling with shaft, or the shotgun sniping.

Q3 was, however, more 'noob oriented' in some areas than even Q2. For example the spawning with >100h, plus a reasonably powerful hitscan weapon. Armour rot is another one.
Quake3 was good, but I'm pretty sure carmac actually said he made it more noob friendly to get a bigger audience.

The weapon switch thing was tactical as you said. My favourite part of quake2 was dueling. If you switched from a CG to RG mid combat you'd almost surely die. But on quake3 CPMA you can just use LG to take them down to 50% then finish them with the rail in a split second :confused: and on DM/TDM all that was needed was to spam.

I'm not sure why but quake3 DM was completely rubbish in comparison to quake2 and even quake. I played TDM on quake2 for ages and it was fun and more tactical with the weapon drops, slow weap switch etc etc. I played quake3 TDM for a few months before getting bored and moving to rocket arena 3.
Curio said:
If I could have Q4 MP with the Wireplay Q2 community circa 1997........I would be in heaven :o
I almost agree :)

I don't like quake4, but the Wireplay Q2 community was brilliant.
The days before all the wannabe pro-gamer kids.

Last time I played quake4 it just didn't feel right. I spent a while making my cfg up with some custom scripts & binds and I had a blast on DM. I even played a few duels against people who I knew on wireplay :).

The DM was ok, but seemed to be lacking something and the splash dmg was just so low that you could just run at people while spamming rockets. You could probably hit someone at point blank without doing much damage to yourself.

There was also the fact that in the month or two of playing quake4, on almost every game I played there was at least 1kid who was either abusive or who called me a cheat :rolleyes:

It really shows how much a community counts when playing online.

Read all the reviews and peoples opinions on the forum, had very high expectations.
I can't really pin point it, but it bored the hell out of me, I stuck with it for several hours, forced myself to play it but nothing appealed to me so I just left it. Decided to give it another go several weeks later, forced myself to play it even longer, I havn't touched it since.
Battlefield Vietnam.

Runs like a snail, no better than BF1942 in gameplay and eclipsed by free mods!

EA's cash cow feeds again!

Quake 4 was very poor.
Been hearing a lot of people listing STALKER as the biggest disappointment. I disagree, once you get into the game and have more powerful and accurate guns, and get into the more interesting areas (am in X18 labs and its darn scary!!) its really a great game. I'd say its like an FPS equivalent of Oblivion, as you have a fair amount of freedom.

I'd say Quake 4 i guess. I liked the singleplayer, but they could've done so much better...in particular the awful skyboxes. I would have liked to get into the multiplayer side of it as i really enjoyed Quake 3 MP, but nobody was ever online whenever i went to play. Plus it just lacked something that was present in Quake 3.
XysteR said:
Since when was Quake Wars a full release to be ridiculed? lol if you have a beta key you should be voicing your concerns in detail, as to what problems you have with it in the relevant forum.

Who says I have not posted my comments on the relevant forum. I was simply answering the subject of this thread. If it will help, I will say that I was disappointed by the Quake Wars beta, but the full game may prove different. I just don't feel that many things can be changed between the beta and the full game, especially the drastic changes that many people feel it needs.
What was so disappointing about Quake Wars? When i saw the live demo at i30 it looked incredible. I guess you people don't realise how good it is until they know how to play it
BlackDragon said:
I'd say Quake 4 i guess. I liked the singleplayer, but they could've done so much better...in particular the awful skyboxes.

Oh yeah, those skyboxes were unforgivable! Raven are actually about 2 miles down the road from where I live. I had to fight the urge to go and brick their windows for that :mad:
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