Whats the stupidest comment youve ever heard someone say ?

Ranek said:

Laugh if you will, but if you'd have read the thread you would have seen that quite a few people either weren't sure, forgot or just didn't know. So, it is hardly a stupid comment. :rolleyes: If anything it is a valid question rendering your addition to this thread pointless (or dare I say the stupidest comment I think I'll hear today) ;)
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While driving through a place that has been known for speed cameras.

Slow Down through here, There is "always" speed cameras here "somtimes" :p
Whappers said:
Laugh if you will, but if you'd have read the thread you would have seen that quite a few people either weren't sure, forgot or just didn't know. So, it is hardly a stupid comment. :rolleyes: If anything it is a valid question rendering your addition to this thread pointless (or dare I say the stupidest comment I think I'll hear today) ;)

Steady on, I wasn't being *entirely* serious, It's hardly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It just struck me as kind of appropriate when the two thread titles were next to each other.

I did read the thread, and I'm sorry but it's hardly rocket science is it? Just go and look at a calender. :p

Anyway sorry If I offended.
Ranek said:
Steady on, I wasn't being *entirely* serious, It's hardly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It just struck me as kind of appropriate when the two thread titles were next to each other.

I did read the thread, and I'm sorry but it's hardly rocket science is it? Just go and look at a calender. :p

Anyway sorry If I offended.

No worries man. I just take things a bit too seriously at first :p.

I wouldn't have posted the thread in the first place if my gran hadn't gone to church (as I tried phoning her to ask her but she had already left the house) then I phoned my best mate (and he didn't pick up either) and seeing as my dad didn't even know I decided to ask the friendly guys here at OcUk :p (They're cut throat really :D )

Whappers said:
Laugh if you will, but if you'd have read the thread you would have seen that quite a few people either weren't sure, forgot or just didn't know. So, it is hardly a stupid comment. :rolleyes: If anything it is a valid question rendering your addition to this thread pointless (or dare I say the stupidest comment I think I'll hear today) ;)
Bit touchy about that are we?
Aparently, what our form tutor used to say was the stupidest thing he had ever heard went like this. Back in the time when far more people at my old school went home for lunch, a boy had come back to school a bit worse for wear. He had been drinking heavily, and was in no fit state to stay there so his mum was phoned to take him home.

Anyway, when his mum came to take him, she was all very appologetic, but said:

"At least it's not drugs." :rolleyes:
Gilly said:
Thats in Britain is it? :)
Um, no. It's in Siberia.

Look out the window, a little bird.

On the back of the Fathers day card I sent my dad off my kids it said "Not a toy, do not give to children under 36 months" I know we're bad for teenage pregnancies in this country but pre-school fathers?
i think the best one i ever heard was in a conversation about thawing things in a shop my mate works in and she turned round and said, "Dont things defrost quicker if you put them in the chiller" que lots of :confused: looks
Von Smallhausen said:
Well I am confused then ....... :eek:

She bought be sunday dinnaa today so I shouldn't be fece .... fesesh .... sarcsatic. ;)


... and I'm wasted to the pointh i can brealy type anymoe

you should eb ashamed! :p
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