Software Engineer and Database administrator for a HealthCare IT Firm
Service desk analyst, providing IT support for the local NHS trusts.
awesome pension
What sort of applications do you test?
Sorry, you've been derogatory about my job/line of work in the past.
Hydrocarbon Allocation Engineer for an oil company.
Basically my role is to work out what our oil and gas wells are producing via simulations and compare that to the well estimates/potentials (amongst other things).
Recently BEng Hons software engineer.
Now full time SAP GRC Junior consultant after 2 years working with a specialist 3rd party company.
Typical job role to date includes deep data analysis and dashboard design/implementation alongside SAP GRC client support for many a big company.
Hard to describe but hopefully thats not melted too many brains
SAP is one powerful piece of kit, hoping to actually learn to use it properly in my next job.
Interesting read, a lot of clever people in here, I'm too ashamed to say mine , fairly menial job though, not really capable of much more than that tbh.
Anybody else using SPSS here? - seems to be a real deficit in people who use it in the UK from what I've been told.
Yeah, it seems to be quite a desirable skill (didn't find out till recently) - more-so if you have modelling experience.I've used it but only for Uni work.