What's your most embarrasing moment - ever!

I think mine was about a year ago, out to pizzahut with a bunch of mates then we go for a few drinks after and i need to take a wizz and im standing at the urinal doin my business when i get that nasty gurgling feeling in my gut that says my ass is about to explode without warning, as i dive into a stall i see one of my mates walk into the loo and my unloading didnt happen quietly, i end up spending 10-15 minutes in these dodgy bar toilets hovering cos i dont wanna sit

then when im confident its not gonna reoccur i try and compose myself and walk down the stairs to a round of applause from my mates which gets the attention of the whole bar
god ive done a fair few..

last year i was sat in the office when i looked down at my feet under my desk only to realise to my see that i was wearing odd shoes on completely differnt style brown shoe and one black work shoe. Too my embaressment i had been wondering the office all day looking like a prized pilock!

Another was In a club pulling off some proably john trovolta type moves on a 5 foot high stage in a club trying to impress some girl when i put a foot backwards to find no floor and promptly fell backwards inot the crowd.

A classic a mate of mine did was walk into class after going to bog and hadn't done his flies up and nor did he realise his tackle was hanging out full view for the class to see when he walked in. Oh how we laughed
One Christmas I think it was the 20th I went to a bar someone had left an XL Santa suit - no beard on the table one of my friends dared me to wear it. This was BITD - my drinking years (everyone thinks I drink like a fish now but I control it better now) I wondered around the bars everyone wanted to speak to me it was pretty cool. I got to the crappy nightclub we always used to go to and it was the same there.

A girl wanted to borrow my hat and ran off with it, I ran after her and got it back. Then I was at the edge of the dance floor and a girl was dancing nearby she took the hat off me and wore it, I thought she was stealing it and hit her - she was probably just flirting.

I have never been ashamed of anything in my life, I was really lucky that she didn't want to get the Police involved - what a Christmas that would have been. I know it is no excuse but I was mentally ill at the time.

One of the worst things was after I got chucked out of the nightclub I saw one of my friends and told him about it, so the next time I went out everyone was joking about it.
Cody said:
A girl wanted to borrow my hat and ran off with it, I ran after her and got it back. Then I was at the edge of the dance floor and a girl was dancing nearby she took the hat off me and wore it, I thought she was stealing it and hit her - she was probably just flirting.

My most exmbarassing moment happened on holiday in Portugal. I must have been 16 or 17 and I went out dirnking with my mate and his hot sister. His hot sister started to chat up the barman which in turn got us free drinks, so all was good. We decided it would be a good idea to sample the most alcoholic and vile tasting spirits that they had, which came in a variety of colours including green and black. 3 Hours later and it was very difficult to walk, so we ordered a taxi to get us home. We're nearly home and I throw up but manage to keep it all in my mouth, and unable to work out how to operate the electric window kepe it in my mouth until we get home. When we get home I go straight upstairs past my mates mum and proceed to hug the toilet seat while my mates mum and sister look on laughing.

The best was yet to come though with my mate legging it into the bathroom 5 minutes later, throwing up before he gets there and slipping over in his newly created pile of vomit while his sister and mum tried not to die laughing at the scene infront of them :p

We went and played golf in the morning before the cleaners arrived :p
Scuzi said:
I've had my fair share of embarrasing incidents but this by far was the one incident during which I wished I was dead.

3 years ago I was out with my dad and a few of his mates hunting rabbits with our dogs and a couple of ferrets. We were in a field in the middle of nowhere and after a few catches the adrenaline had gotten the better of me and I really had to do a poop. I told the others I was away for a crap and went around the back of a hedge where I squatted and began to do my business. Now, sods law meant that it wasn't a standard solid poop, it had to be of the messiest variety.
So there I was crapping away when I hear one of the guys shout "GRAB THAT FERRETT!" I looked around to see what was happening when the white ferrett came bolting through the hedge. It startled me and I panicked. I got up whilst making a "Whohwohwohhowo" noise, trousers around my ankles, crap running down my legs and fell over a smaller hedge that was to the side of me.. At the other side of the hedge was a farmers garden which was set at a lower level to the field so I had quite a fall.
At this point I must mention that it was a lovely warm Sunday, the kind of day you sit out your back garden with a few beers. That's what the farmers family was doing when I came crashing over their hedge, shouting "Whowhwohowhoh", trousers around my ankles, willy hanging out and crap running down my legs. I stared at the group of people for what felt like 20 minutes after which I casually pulled up my trousers and waddled out of their garden the long way. No words were exchanged and I didn't hear anyone speak when I was on my way out. I suppose they were shocked.

That was probably the lowest moment of my life and I still cringe when thinking about it but it raises a smile too.

I used to work in a posh department store and in our department we used to play a really silly game. If we saw someone talking to a customer we would sidle up behind them and pinch their bum really hard. The rules dictated that you were not allowed to respond or flinch or you had to pay a penalty. I did this to a guy I had worked with, only for him to turn around and it wasn't who I thought, but a complete stranger, new to the department. There am I with his arse cheek in my hand.
Oh something I saw in a pub in Exeter that was highly amsuing...

Was pound a pint night and a mates birthday so we proceeded to get him totaly hammered, so much so he trhows up in his mouth, he gets up and runs to the toilets but is sick on the floor on his way.

Then about 30 seconds later a girl comes waking along carrying 3 pintsof Carling, slips on the sick my friend has just left, falls on her ass, covered by 3 pints of Carling.

ok.. i got my just desert following the bus embarrasment..

The other day I decided that the bus route was actually quicker to town, so I decided to try the route myself in the car, thus avoiding all the queues to the Chelmsford Army and Navy roundabout.

Thing is they have put in a new link road which unknowingly to me at the time, is for buses only even though there was a big sign which didn’t seem to register immediately. I was just too excited at the prospect of avoiding all that traffic. Then #flash# - god damn it!! Traffic camera!!

Waits for mr posty to deliver my certificate.
Bit crude , but went on my hols to Turkey a few years ago with the boys.
Started drinking at about 11am and carried on through the day, went out that night and got even more mullered on Sex on the beach cocktails.
Me and my mate pulled some youngish ladies and proceed off to their apartment.
I can only remember the next morning and cries around the room, due to my stupour I had followed through whilst sharing a bed with the lady I had pulled.
2 minutes later, whilst I was quickly trying to get dressed and my mate was rolling about the floor in floods of tears, there is a knock at the door and lo and behold 3 reps are there trying to get the girls ready for a beach party they were going on.
Cue much hilarity from the reps. even more so when we all turned up for our trip, which was at the same place. About 300 lads gave me the biggest round of applause I would never like to recieve again :eek:
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ElvisFan said:
My Grandma caught me shocking off when I was fourteen.

That's not so strange until you realise that due to us moving house we were staying at Nan's and I was sharing her bed. :eek: I woke up in the middle of the night and HAD to knock one out, and thought I could do it without disturbing her.

Big mistake :o :D

That is just wrong! Go to the bathroom ffs.
1 - I was running for a train at Glasgow Central after an interview. I was dressed quite smart, thinking the ladies would be impressed by my sharp suit and obvious fitness as I ran past. I had to turn a sharp corner to get to the platform. The leather soles of my shoes and the smooth floor in the station resulted in me sprawled all over platform 10. The worst thing was I then had to get on the train and sit with everyone that had just seen me fall on my ass until I got to my stop.

2 - Made a complete fool of myself many many times while drunk (haven't had anything to drink for about 4 years now because of it). My toes still curl whan I think about some of the things I have said and done.
Okay, this isn't the most embarrassing moment of my life but it is quite a funny tale...

About a year or so ago, my girlfriend and I decided to pop to the natural history museum in London for a few hours. I had real fond memories of that place from when I was a child and always wanted to go back.

Anyway at some point we stumbled accross the "human Biology" section. Amongst the other displays was a cutaway of a human body with a control panel beneath it. The control panel had numerous buttons that when pushed would light up particular organs on the cutaway model above it. Now me being the mature bloke I am made a beeline for the "testicles" button. I pressed the button and to my delight the dangly testicles on the model above lit up radiantly. I laughed hysterically and proceeded to hammer the button continuously.

I maintained this behaviour for a few minutes, tapping away at the button like some sort of posessed maniac, all the while sniggering loudly to myself. After a while I heard a curious cry from behind "Daddy what are those flashing things?". Apparently the flashing testicles had attracted the attention of just about every child in the 'Human Biology' section. There was a huge crowd behind me consisting of no less than ten curious five year olds accompanied by a whole host of rather stern faced parents who now had the misfortune of explaining what the "flashing dangling balls" were.

I ran off and sought comfort in my girlfriend.
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Was in Boy's Brigade, was about 12-13, went on a charity fun run one saturday, complete the run and everyone goes back to the church hall for a debrief ''We've made 1MILLION pounds for the church roof appeal yadda yadda yadda'...

Anyway, I've still got my walkman on from the run listening to a copy of my brother's Areosmith tape.......I then start singing.....out loud....but I don't realise it as I can't hear myself over the music...'Love in an Elavator!!!!'...all of a sudden I notice the man speaking stops and EVERYONE in the hall, like 200 people all turn around and look at me.......

...Doh :(
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