What's your (most tenuous) claim to fame?

24 Aug 2011
Manchester UK
Had a random dance with Greg Wallace (bald one from Masterchef) at the Ideal Homes Show this year...was queuing up for his restaurant and he just grabbed me and waltzed me around :o

Apparently, my Grandad changed Mick Hucknall's nappy on the bar of a pub in Audenshaw as he knew Mick's Hucknall Dad (or Grandad)

My Gran met Princess Anne when she came to open the church that my Gran helped build

My mum worked in the Pharmacy next door to Harold Shipmans surgery. The Pharmacy was running a charity day, and I was there helping out (in the school holidays waaay before he got arrested) and I met 'Dr Death' and I thought he was a right nasty piece of work. Also my cousins went to school with his son

I've been on Radio 1 Newsbeat and 5 Live talking about whiplash claims
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2003
Greenock, Scotland
Almost been run over by Sir Jackie Stewart. Twice! Both times were at Silverstone, first year he tried with a wee moped. Second year he was clearly better prepared and came at me with a Transit van!

And I've sat next to Kirsty Young (Crimewatch etc) at a Scotland Rugby game...
23 Jul 2009
I met Arnie as a child and my little sisters didn't like his daughter so we never got to hang out with them.

I had a pint with Bono and watched the rugby with him in our local (we bonded on the fact that I just got expelled from the same school as Adam Clayton)

My girlfriend was serenaded by Simon lebonne many years ago.

I saw David Cameron walk down the stairs outside my office.

Collabro sang for a group of 10 of us in our office cafeteria.

I once saw Tim Allen at Sea World from a distance.

That's about as tenuous as they come.
18 Oct 2002
Royston, Herts
I've met a couple of minor soap actors and know someone who seems to be taking over UK TV. That person has been in Eastenders, Casualty and a certain Cardiff-based program within the last year. Really cool in real life too.

My real claim to fame though (and the one I'm actually 'proud' of) is that I am the only person I have ever met (so far) to have punched an emu and knocked it out. :D
18 Oct 2002
My dad used to a run a pub that was the local boozer for the Toleman F1 team (Benetton, Renault, Lotus, Probably Renault again) and I'm fairly sure Ayton Senna came into the pub while he was with them. One of my oldest memories is of Rory Burn (designer of, I think, almost all Michael Schumachers championship winning cars) passed out at the bar with serviettes tied in his hair.

My mother helped run a pub for Mark Lawrenson while he was getting his foot in door with the football pundit malarky. When he sold the pub we bought much of the furniture from the pub. Not knowing how many are even in a team, this one passed me by a bit.

I walked passed Cleggy from Last of the Summer Wine outside Kew Gardens.

Taxi'd Adrian Maguire home one evening (Jump jockey of the 90s with decent success)

My mothers best mate sold a house to Chris Martin not so long ago.

Held the door open to a newsagents for Rory Bremner and didn't actually notice it was him.

Stood opposite Richard Branson during Woodstock carnival.

My daughter blanked Anna Ryder Richardson while visiting her Zoo. My daughter had fallen and Ms Richardson came over and was very nice but my daughter refused any attention. Was amusing and awkward all at the same time.

The welsh bird from the One Show was in my local Tesco at Christmas and my eldest was so excited I got distracted and forgot the yorkshire puddings.

I'm truly a friend to the stars :D
31 May 2004
The 'Toon, UK, in Europe
Went to my then-fiance's granny's funeral... got talking said faince's cousin, who I couldn't quite place, but recognised him a little bit on account of him looking a bit like a vampire and with a white streak in his hair. Turns out it was Dave Vanian from The Damned.
29 Aug 2009
This thread has got me thinking..

8-9 years ago at a phone shop in central london I served Jools Holland and on another occasion sold a bluetooth headset to Clive Anderson, I had mistakenly forgot to put the manual back in the box which I realised a minute after he left the shop. My manager who wasn't far off retirement age ran up the road to give it to him.

Around 14 years ago working in McDonalds in Hertfordshire I served Sonia from EastEnders.

3 years ago I saw Van Der Vaart doing his shopping in ASDA in north london, at the time he was playing for Spurs.

I think that's about it. :)
17 Sep 2010
Somewhere in Asia
OK so here is my list:

1)I once helped Samantha Janus retrieve a drinks bottle from a vending machine.
2)When I was 10 I got chased by Geoff Capes (world strongest man at one time) for calling him a fat b*****d.
3)I sat next to Eastenders legend Charlie the cab driver once while watching Finding Nemo at my local cinema.
4)I touched Vanilla Ices foot at a concert I went to in the 90s as he dangled it into the crowd from the stage.
5)I was waiting to use a toilet in Skegness and as I went in Jim Davidson came out after he had been snapping one off.
6)I sat at the same table as Matt Le Tissier in an ASK restaurant in Southampton.

Aa you can guess from the above....I am a big deal.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
I was in Deia on holiday few years back and Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell and their daughter whose name I forget were on the next table. During that holiday I also saw Trever McDermott in the street, Natalie Imbrulia, Andy Bell from Erasure (he lives there), Kartherine Zeta Jones driving a mini moke (her and Douglas lived down the road) and several others who slip my mind. It is a bit of a get away from the paps holiday place.
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