Frontier Elite 2 for me, spent many an hour on my Amiga grinding away to save up for a panther clipper.
That game sucked my time like a vampire and I loved every minute of it.
Planetside 1 was fantastic, haven't had a large scale multiplayer experience that has matched it to date.
Planetside 2 is good, takes a while figuring out where you are going etc but offers the massive battles just like number 1
good taste sirFrontier Elite 2 for me, spent many an hour on my Amiga grinding away to save up for a panther clipper.
agree completely. PS2 has never gelled with me or any of my old PS1 clan. whether it's the mass of microtransactions, all the grinding to unlock vehicle slots, or changes to the dynamic (memory might have me wrong with these tho) but I think there wasn't/isn't common vecs like mossies and reavers for all so what each empire got didn't feel as balanced. There also didn't feel the same tactics at launch without AMSs or ant refuelling trips, lack of organised/trusted command chat. Not sure...I've put around 150 hours into PS2 over the years and it never sticks, there is something off with it that I can't put my finger on, just doesn't give me the same satisfaction the first one did.
Although, change of age, priority, gaming time, etc will all feed into that. PS1 was at a time I was self employed, working from home with a crazy amount of spare time.
Freelancer, just such a good game in it's day. Nice mix of exploring, upgrades and story. Vibes of Firefly
Very difficult question for me, part of me would say Tie Fighter, Theme Hospital, Baldur's Gate 1/2 or Magic Carpet; but I've played some absolutely wonderful games over the years and I find it very hard to give a top single game.
And that's before we include console as well, as then things like Chrono Trigger or Zelda OOT(I have an american imported cartridge and an NTSC-PAL converter for it for example)
It also becomes messy, because some games, at their time were ABSOLUTELY astounding; a massive leap forwards; but they don't play so well nowadays, others are timeless.