What's your personal GOAT ? (Game of all time)

Probably Morrowind, I loved getting pulled into the world and the journey of getting more powerful. Close seconds are Uncharted 2 on PS3, Witcher 3, and the original Everquest.
Ooh that's tough. It's an easy shortlist of 5 or so but to just pick one?

For a game that blew my mind at the time and kept me engrossed for hours? Far Cry. The graphics when it came out were amazing, the game play ai decent. Keyboard control excellent, with ability to lean round corners, stealth crawl in bushes, even throw stones etc.

It had one of the best SP narratives and a reasonable MP option too.

It's such a shame the franchise got sold to Unisoft who took it to a generic console format and stripped off some of the unique features that made it so unique as a pc game
For a game that blew my mind at the time and kept me engrossed for hours? Far Cry. The graphics when it came out were amazing, the game play ai decent. Keyboard control excellent, with ability to lean round corners, stealth crawl in bushes, even throw stones etc.

Why can't they make games like this anymore? Everything is open world crap. Lose interest immediately.
For a game that blew my mind at the time and kept me engrossed for hours? Far Cry. The graphics when it came out were amazing, the game play ai decent. Keyboard control excellent, with ability to lean round corners, stealth crawl in bushes, even throw stones etc.

Far Cry is a superb game and for my money, the best SP FPS i've ever played. Deus Ex while having my vote on this thread, isn't strictly an FPS so Far Cry would take that title.
Ok, I'm changing mine to GTA 5.

I've been in to computer games since the 1980s and being able to play in a fully functioning city, being able to drive around and do what I like was once just a dream.

It's come along way from GTA 1.

Sometimes I just load up the game and drive around.
Final Fantasy VII (PS1).

I played it through again a couple of years back and still thought it was a masterpiece but it definitely came at a time when there was really nothing else like it (in terms of the presentation of a JRPG). No RPG has really ever surpassed it for me.

I really enjoyed the remake as well.
Shenmue Series.
1 and 2 was awesome for back in the day and I have fond memories, but Shenmue 3 was well disappointing for me. It did not help that they advertised a steam key on kickstarter and then changed their minds and took the sweet Epic money. I ended up getting a refund in the end and playing it much later on down the line and got to save my money. Glad I did in the end as it just was not what I expected.
Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne Expansion.

I used to just watch the little fish dancing around in the pools in the twilight underneath a waterfall - such a pretty game
I think it's still Dungeon Keeper for me, or Quake 3 (Rocket Arena 3 mod). I still have both installed.

Q3/Q3a is definitely in my top 5. I still have it installed too. Love it. That and UT3. Arena shooters still have a great format IMO and Q3 in particular just runs on anything these days. The ai isn't bad either. UT3 is better for that but considering the age of Q3 it's really rather impressive
Ooh that's tough. It's an easy shortlist of 5 or so but to just pick one?

For a game that blew my mind at the time and kept me engrossed for hours? Far Cry. The graphics when it came out were amazing, the game play ai decent. Keyboard control excellent, with ability to lean round corners, stealth crawl in bushes, even throw stones etc.

It had one of the best SP narratives and a reasonable MP option too.

It's such a shame the franchise got sold to Unisoft who took it to a generic console format and stripped off some of the unique features that made it so unique as a pc game

Oh wow. Thought it was just me that loved the original Far Cry. It was awesome. I also remember some of the levels were pretty big and the game length was pretty long. I really enjoyed it, although it was quite buggy.
Oh wow. Thought it was just me that loved the original Far Cry. It was awesome. I also remember some of the levels were pretty big and the game length was pretty long. I really enjoyed it, although it was quite buggy.
They patched it well. I played it on 1.04 or whatever it got to and didn't notice many bugs beyond one comedy bit of terrain where I was able to scale up a rock face they probably didn't want me to and shoot through a closed blast door to take out one of the rocket arm monsters before opening the door. Apart from that I didn't spot a bug.
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