What's your personal GOAT ? (Game of all time)


25 years old now, still being played competitively (e.g. big semifinal game tonight at 8pm, will be casted at https://www.twitch.tv/suddendeathtv ). TDM is incredibly nuanced coupled with fast gameplay and almost limitless customisation options in terms of your config. I essentially gave up trying alternative multiplayer FPS games 20 years ago aside from the odd casual outing which inevitably leaves me annoyed at how primitive modern games are by comparison.
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Half-Life 2 is my choice. I remember preloading it from a 56k connection (took weeks) then firing it up on launch day to another few hundred MBs of day 1 updates :cry:

Doom (2016) would be a close second. Fast paced, great soundtrack and the quality of the game took me completely by surprise.
Half-Life 2 is my choice. I remember preloading it from a 56k connection (took weeks) then firing it up on launch day to another few hundred MBs of day 1 updates :cry:

Doom (2016) would be a close second. Fast paced, great soundtrack and the quality of the game took me completely by surprise.
oh they were days of 56k, i couldnt wait till i got isdn on team fortress
Red Dead Redemption 2

My thoughts from the thread:

Been stuck for something to play and bought this on release for the online but never bothered properly with the story, put it back on recently and after 80 hours I'm kicking myself for not playing through this sooner, this has been one of the best stories I've played ever, I can't remember the last game to get the emoticons this did out of me. Arthur's death has to be the hardest hitting death in a game for me, didn't expect a game to bring me to tears but after playing him for so long and seeing how his character evolved after the TB set in was done right Story missions, side missions, random encounters as you explore all had unique and memorable characters, no quest felt the same and apart from hunting after a while for camp upgrades I haven't been bored once playing this.

The vistas to look out at when roaming the wilderness haven't been matched by anything that was released after this, everytime I came to a stop it felt like it could easily be a painting.
Haven't really got a best of all time - too difficult a question to answer for me. Certain games stick in my mind as taking up waaay too much of my time for different reasons. These games I will never forget and still play today from time to time.

But going by the rules I'll have to pick World of Warcraft from open beta to WotLK

Reasons? Whilst the actual game doesn't stand out for any technical or artistic reason, I've never had such adrenaline fuelled fun whilst succeeding on certain raids with guildmates. Shouting and screaming with joy on teamspeak with my wife in Ulduar as we dropped Yogg-Saron for the first time was such a good time. The whole game from Vanilla to WotLK was pretty much the best time I've ever had gaming - learning how to tank, learning how to heal, open-world PvP with my wife, the list goes on - such good times
Unreal Tournament 99 for me.
Never has a game got into my very being before like this one and playing Clanbase league and cup games in iCTF & iDOM brings back soooo many fond memories.
Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

When you emerge from the sewers, the music swells and the world just opens up...chefs kiss.

However, having now played Elden Ring twice through to completion, I may amend it in the future but I need to give it time as it may just be fresh in my mind and worry its just because its new.
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