What's your personal GOAT ? (Game of all time)

Dragon age origins
Mass effect 2
Resident Evil 4
Witcher 3
Dark souls (any of them really)
Elder scrolls Obvlivion

Special mention goes out to Mirrors edge. Its a game I run through every couple of years and its like comfort food to me. I just love playing through it.

People are just listing games. Remember make it clear what your ONE CHOICE is or I can't update the tally.
Metal gear solid 1 gets my vote.

I would say Everquest 1. Back in the release period, 1999/2000. When I was a teenager, I couldn't wait to play that game for 12+ hours straight. I was on a PvP server, so the magic of having an open/persistant world was just that much more special.

The combination of my age, the quality of players back then, the social dynamic of large groups of people, and the game type/world led to a once in a lifetime gaming experience or "magic".
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