What's your personal GOAT ? (Game of all time)

None of which will be added to the list as you didnt pick just the 1 ;)

May mate keeps taking the mick out of this thread, baffled why people can't understand the 1 rule :cry:

This is tough. I couldn't pick one. The only game I think that would fit that category would be the Uncharted series but it aint PC since this is the PC section.
Half Life

It was mind blowingly ahead of its time when it launched and it’s one I’ll never forget. Sure, there’ve been better games as technology has evolved, but few games have nailed the feel, atmosphere and level design as well as the first Half Life. It wouldn’t hold up today, but back then, perfection.

Honorable mentions:
Deus Ex
Max Payne
Mass Effect
Jedi Knight
So many outstanding games over the years, especially early on but I will have to go with System Shock 2 for the one that really stays with me for the experience, story and atmosphere.

Deus Ex and Half Life 1+2 are very close behind. The classic days of LucasArts games especially X-wing and the CD-Rom requiring Full Throttle are responsible pulling me over to PC gaming and the course/curse of chasing upgrades.
None of which will be added to the list as you didnt pick just the 1 ;)

May mate keeps taking the mick out of this thread, baffled why people can't understand the 1 rule :cry:

Well dont you be getting your 'bowels' in an uproar over it LOL

i saw this thread in the new posts and tagged onto the end of it after reading a couple of posts on page 7 of this, and never read the opening 6 pages

so with your thread title being all i saw 'Greatest of all time'

I added my 2p as a total non gamer and embarrassed to say been a member on here for many years and never even looked in this section before as far as i can remember

and for the record Tomb Raider 2 gets my vote as best game ever
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Damn this is a hard one!

I think my shortlist would be:
Counter Strike (1.6 and prior)
Star Wars Galaxies
World of Warcraft (original + first few expansions)
C&C Red Alert 2
DotA (original WC3 mod, DOTA2 is good, just not quite the same, especially now)
Escape from Tarkov

Honourable console mention - Rambo on the Megadrive.

I don’t know if I can just pick one of the above, they were all games at stages of my life I couldn’t put down but I need to sit down and work out if that’s just because of the people I played with and met online, or the actual game itself.

Okay, I think I'm going to go with Star Wars Galaxies (Pre-CU if it matters) as my favourite, Tarkov might eventually take it's spot, but for now SWG had such an impact on my life and was such a community driven game it has to be up there.
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Impossible to pick one since gaming from 1980 from coin op to computers to consoles to pc. Space invaders to Dizzy to Last Ninja to Another world to Monkey Island to Goldeneye to Doom to Halflife to Battlefield 2 to Zelda to The elder scrolls to Resident evil. Impossible and i cannot answer this it really is impossible to answer.
Playing since the NES days it's really hard to pick one as I have a few favourites, but my all time favourite still is The Division 1. It's the most fun I've had in multilayer, I've put about 3800hrs into that game on the PC and I still love it, even started it again on the Series X over Christmas and still not bored of it.

I just love the atmosphere of the apocalyptic NY at Christmas, graphics still look great and lighting at night looks stunning especially with a heavy blizzard, different game modes I really enjoy especially survival where you start with nothing but a pistol and need to gear up with weapons and cloths in order to make it out alive, the snowy atmosphere with a blizzard and neutral lighting in that game mode still looks really good.

While I really enjoyed the sequel it doesn't come close to the first one.
Tough one. I would probably give it to Deus Ex in this instance.

Honorable mentions:

Final Fantasy 7
Mass Effect
Resident Evil
Age of Empires 3
Showing my age..

Goldeneye :)

For sheer time played and sh*ts & giggles it'd be GTA V online.
I remember playing that as a kid, both single and multiplayer, but had quite a few experiences that were better since. Like my vote went to Deus Ex as that was only 3-4 years after Golden Eye and it had a much bigger impact on me.
World of Warcraft

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with it, depending on where we are in an expansion but in terms of hours I've played it more than anything else and always end up going back to it.
Not possible for me, about 7 or 8 games over the past 40 odd years could take the number one spot.

Hell completing outrun in the arcade on a single 10p could be a contender. My first experience of multiplayer gaming could also take that spot... Gauntlet in the arcade :) Nope not possible and your a sick man for asking.
World of Warcraft

The time I've spent playing the game, the initial awe at the sheer size and scope of the world, and importantly the community and friendships. I used to play with friends on open Skype calls for 5-10 hours on a weekend. For quite some time it was a huge part of my social life. Nothing comes close to the time spent, or the social aspect of the experience.

However it does mean my favourite game isn't from my preferred genres, in particular RTS:

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
Total Annihilation
C&C (Original, Red Alert, and Generals in particular)
Age of Empires II
LOTR: BFME (1 & 2, but I played 1 more)

Turn based games and builder games have had a lot of love as well. The old Sim Cities, Theme Park, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Cities: Skylines, Planet Coaster etc. and the Civilization series, Total War Series (Empire is my fave), then hybrids such as Hearts of Iron IV, Galactic Civilisations, Europa Universalis IV etc.

I've never really been an FPS person, but UT99 was played a lot at LAN parties in my teens, it really was a great game. Capture the flag maps in particular were great fun with your friends. I was never interested in online competition though.
Final fantasy 7.

At a time when i was into racing games and shooters, i picked this up just to try something different, it blew me away, i can't even begin to explain it, but just the whole game, characters, graphics and musical score..

My first time arriving at the Golden Saucer, hearing the music kick in, seeing the fireworks, or getting to Costa Del Sol and hearing the music, the sights, it made me feel like i was on a beach in some beautiful country, at a time when the reality of my life was that my Family couldn't afford to go on holidays, or visit theme parks, this game in some way filled in these "happiness voids" if you like. incredible memories of just being utterly lost in game.
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