When are you going fully electric?

19 Oct 2002
Shakespeare’s County
What do you think is superior about a touch screen compared physical buttons from a functionality point of view in a car? It's a toy.

I didn’t state I had a preference?

not sure touch screen dropping at at 70mph is a problem. I often turn mine to off mode on a long drive motorway drive using the favourite button on the steering wheel, just below that button is the voice control for either in car voice or Apple CarPlay. You can’t really beat Apple CarPlay for input of navigation.
22 Jun 2005
Not much chance of an airbus knocking a 5 year old kid down who runs into the road whilst the pilot is fiddling with a touch screen at 32,000 feet?

They still stop concentrating on the plane and start fiddling with the touchscreen no? I am no pilot but surely a pilot has to keep his hands on the plane at all times?
19 Oct 2002
Shakespeare’s County
The screens were to replace the vast array of dials to reduce pilot effort. It’s not really an control interface anyway. Just easier to alert pilot if the whole screen flashes up an error rather than looking for a dial. I remember when Airbus introduced it as I was working there at the time.
27 Dec 2005
I'd love to see anyone put all the controls on a Model 3 touchscreen into the car as physical buttons. That's ignoring the fact that new software (and therefore buttons) get added almost every fortnight.

The only thing I would consider day-to-day that's not also a physical button is the heating, but that's a mainstay on the screen and can be controlled with voice. And music, but then that's not a physical button on any car unless you only have FM radio.

I agree it's not the most tactile and therefore undistracting thing to use, but then I can go driving for 2 hours and not touch it once...
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Most of the controls are just other toys though, not something actually needed.

I'm not on the touch screen team but that's just nonsense Nasher.

It's not the fact it's on a screen that's the issue it's the input method - fiddling with touch screens when driving is not ideal. I have yet to use a single system that isn't more annoying than a proper controller. Current BMW's are touch and controller and I never use the touch elements even though it's there.
22 Nov 2006
I'm not on the touch screen team but that's just nonsense Nasher.

It's not the fact it's on a screen that's the issue it's the input method - fiddling with touch screens when driving is not ideal. I have yet to use a single system that isn't more annoying than a proper controller. Current BMW's are touch and controller and I never use the touch elements even though it's there.

So electric doors and fancy lighting effects are needed?
7 Dec 2002
They still stop concentrating on the plane and start fiddling with the touchscreen no? I am no pilot but surely a pilot has to keep his hands on the plane at all times?

Not from my understanding no, they could fly them with the windshields painted black on the modern ones, purely from looking down at the instruments, that's how they land when there is thick fog & zero visibility. If you play something like MS flight sim then apart from initial takeoff & taxiing to parking that screen he is fiddling with is probably more important than the outside view, not so in a car.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I'm not on the touch screen team but that's just nonsense Nasher.

It's not the fact it's on a screen that's the issue it's the input method - fiddling with touch screens when driving is not ideal. I have yet to use a single system that isn't more annoying than a proper controller. Current BMW's are touch and controller and I never use the touch elements even though it's there.

This as far as I am concerned as well

Screens good, touch bad

The only time I have found so far that touch beats idrive in my other halves car (and i did drive 1400 miles over 4 days last year) is to enter the postcode for satnav before setting off.

I would still say that moving the screen to in front of the driver and having the controls via the steering wheel is best for anything the driver should be doing whilst moving

Being able to add software to add functions is dependent on the respective hardware and completely irrelevant to the source of input method.
I can free format draw on the top of my idrive equivalent controller but it seems no more than a gimick really

I think most buttons and selecting of menu options will eventually go to being voice automated, its the next logical safety thing to do, take away all but a few buttons from drivers and send them to voice.
22 Jun 2005
Not from my understanding no, they could fly them with the windshields painted black on the modern ones, purely from looking down at the instruments, that's how they land when there is thick fog & zero visibility. If you play something like MS flight sim then apart from initial takeoff & taxiing to parking that screen he is fiddling with is probably more important than the outside view, not so in a car.

Who is flying the plane if he's not taking off or landing/taxiing? Surely the plane will crash if he starts fiddling with the buttons instead of holding the controls? Again I am not a pilot. Don't you have to hold the plane and throttle to ensure the plane is going straight, level and at the correct speed?
9 Mar 2003
All modern Jet liners fly themselves. The most involved part for a pilot is taxi, take off and landing (which is largely automated now).

Even breaking for a specific taxi lane is handled automatically. Pilots jobs are transitioning away from hands on to people who program and monitor machines. There still highly trained to take manual controls of course but they are required to do so less and less every time a model is updated.
1 Mar 2010
Touch screens are predominating/nigh-exclusive on ev's, though, justifying ev thread discussion
For older folks with less dexterity, touch screens would be a negative, I doubt parents (3310 user) would get along with one.
per nasher, the dash/KIT lighting effects, on the vw id, youtube, are ridiculous, though.

[ 3rd world problem, but selecting music+navigation are the most distracting of car functions, which of the android/apple/native apps provide the best/safest voice navigation ? ]
22 Jun 2005
All modern Jet liners fly themselves. The most involved part for a pilot is taxi, take off and landing (which is largely automated now).

Even breaking for a specific taxi lane is handled automatically. Pilots jobs are transitioning away from hands on to people who program and monitor machines. There still highly trained to take manual controls of course but they are required to do so less and less every time a model is updated.

We got there in the end.

A model 3 is basically this, the car does most of the work leaving you free to fiddle with the touchscreen. They even called the autonomous driving capability autopilot, because the autopilot still needs supervising much like a plane. You won't get the pilots going to the back of the plane for a snooze, however they will mess around with some stuff for a few seconds on the screens.
7 Dec 2002
A model 3 is basically this, the car does most of the work leaving you free to fiddle with the touchscreen.

And theres the other reason I don't want an EV, besides the fact that for me (maybe not you) they make no financial sense. I actually enjoy driving, not being driven.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
We got there in the end.

A model 3 is basically this, the car does most of the work leaving you free to fiddle with the touchscreen. They even called the autonomous driving capability autopilot, because the autopilot still needs supervising much like a plane. You won't get the pilots going to the back of the plane for a snooze, however they will mess around with some stuff for a few seconds on the screens.

Unfortunately the law doesn't agree with you (maybe yet)
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