When did you realise that most people are morons?

I hate these threads.

it disappoints me that people have such a high opinion of themselves that they feel it’s acceptable to categorise the rest of the world as morons. I find it quite nauseating.

If you take the term "moron" literally, you have a point.

You don't have to be stupid to act stupid. Just saying. :p
I hate these threads.

it disappoints me that people have such a high opinion of themselves that they feel it’s acceptable to categorise the rest of the world as morons. I find it quite nauseating.

I guess you can't count to 12 then.. :p
Post-Trump when it became clear that corporate media were political actors with no interest in reporting truth and facts and the majority of people just swallowed whatever they were pushing anyway, since that time the disinformation has only accelerated (Russia collusion, double standards, not reporting big stories due to bias etc) and the same people who trusted them before have simply ignored their repeat failures and doubled down in trusting them.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
Goto any Facebook post by BBC and read the comments, 99% of it is just drivel. Drivel to the point that I hope it is just fabricated by Chinese or Russian influenced bot farms.

I work with some people that can't differentiate between left or right. People that struggle to do basic maths or even read instructions in their own Language.

This whole Corona BS has given me supreme clarity, along with this boring 40 minute bus ride I have to take every 3 weeks.

I hope the Chinese are developing another virus that somehow attacks these members of society. Imagine a world were everyone can read basic lists and collect 12 items without using their fingers to add up.

I think I would have gone properly stir crazy by now if I was still in the UK. I have no idea how you can do it and keep at it for the foreseeable future. I mean the minute every one starts going out again it's just going to flare again. What's the point? Why not just cull the herd? Lose the weak and the random and get on with life? Knowing my luck I'll die too, but at least then I'll stop moaning :p

It's time to look for a new job :p

How's your Sunday? At least the weather's nice here.... Oh no it's not...
As well as hoping someone invents another cause of a pandemic which will wipe out these people you despise, and advocating actual yet selective genocide, are there any other angles you are investigating? I mean useful, not OH DISASTER OH CALAMITY, ones for clarity.
Post-Trump when it became clear that corporate media were political actors with no interest in reporting truth and facts and the majority of people just swallowed whatever they were pushing anyway, since that time the disinformation has only accelerated (Russia collusion, double standards, not reporting big stories due to bias etc) and the same people who trusted them before have simply ignored their failures and doubled down in trusting them.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
I think you're unwell. I don't mean that as a slight but most everything you post is based on nonsense.
Just LOL if you don't think most of your fellow human beings are good-for-nothing pond life, who's opinions on national events are indicative of their intelligence level and not a multifaceted unknowable composite, influenced in huge part by their immediate environments. I bet you even believe that comment sections on the Internet/those that stick out day to day acting in a way that displeases you are simply a vocal/more noticeable minority, and aren't representative of the entire populace!

Not sure that they are tbh.. if anything most of joe public had a better notion (in a broad/general sense) of how to respond to this recent pandemic than the current Govt and at least some of the govt’s advisors. Seemingly public opinion had a far bit of influence in bringing the lockdown into play sooner. It’s a small minority that aren’t compliant, being idiots etc..
I've long been in despair at the apparent widespread idiocy of people, but last night I experienced the latest example, when I stumbled across a post on our local neighborhood Facebook group where someone was complaining about the noise of boy racers coming from the nearby industrial estate. One person suggested reporting them to the police. When the OP asked for clarification of which number to ring, someone else suggested "999", which was a suggestion received with thanks.

I can't believe I had to respond to tell these people how irresponsible it was to consider calling 999 to report some noisy cars.
I hate these threads.

it disappoints me that people have such a high opinion of themselves that they feel it’s acceptable to categorise the rest of the world as morons. I find it quite nauseating.

My theory is the biggest morons are usually the people who think everyone else is a moron.. People need to accept everyone makes mistakes, errors in judgments, have accidents or do things contrary to how you would do them for reasons that could be stupidity or knowing more or less about the situation than the person judging them as a moron..
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