So the 2500k is $216, or should be, which is basically £139 at current exchange rate, with 20% vat should be £167.
Meh, i'm still really irked by Intel mobo's, £100 for basically a low end overclockable board that disables the ondie gpu which you're basically paying for, for no reason.
I'm starting to think Intel should be selling the
K versions in bundle pricing, IE get 10-15% off if you buy with a P67 mobo considering to do so you're losing the on die gpu.
£167 for a decent cpu and a £80 mobo to go with it would be a pretty damn sweet setup, £190 + £130 for a marginally higher spec mobo starts to become a little stupid, especially as you're losing functionality with a P67 mobo. Some of the biggest speed boost from Sandybridge is the quicksync gpu acceleration which essentially becomes unusable on the P67 chipset.
Really is honestly the stupidest thing Intel have done for well, almost as long as I can remember. Better mobo's disable functionality, and infact the biggest speed improvement of the new chips. I want to use a discrete gpu, but I want the POSSIBILITY that eventually Intel will get together with software companies and produce drivers that allow "quicksync" to work with a discrete gpu seemlessly.
I think I'd actually be switching from my 555Be unlocked to quad core AMD setup to a Sandybridge if pricing was better and the mobo choices weren't embarassingly retarded. THe Z68(67? can't remember) seems the only option, is months away and will no doubt carry a ridiculous cost