Honestly i can't see them (Nvidia) reducing prices, they'll just keep trickling GPUs into supply chains until they sell through their stockpiles, they could still be selling 30 series cards when 50 series rolls around for all we know (who knows how many GPUs they're stockpiling).OK I think I get it now, after more reading. Prices are ****** up because NVIDIA and partners still have a lot of 30 series cards to get rid of, and rather than drop the price on those they're reducing 40 series supply (that's why they're "sold out" at MSRP and can otherwise only be purchased either day 1 when they sell out, or at some massively stupid mark-up). They want us to buy previous generation cards at current generation prices. Only way to do that is restrict supply. Suppliers are reporting 4080 cards supply will be 20% LOWER than 4090 supply was, if you can believe it.
So I would have to wait until next year, probably summer next year, to get a decent, affordable 40 series card.
Maybe they'll have some BF/CM deals but i think Nvidia's intention is to target current gen cards at people who don't care much about prices while previous gen cards will be targeted at those who are more cost conscious.
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