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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

15 Oct 2019
I think a price drop on the 4080 to £1000 will be inevitable within the next few months, people who want the best will prefer a 4090 and people who care about price/performance will prefer a 4070 Ti. The 4090 will probably only get a small price cut when the 4090 Ti is released and it's no longer top dog. I gave in and got a 4070 Ti after putting it off for a while because it looked like it was selling reasonably well at £800, so I'm not convinced it will get much of a price cut if any until the next gen cards in 2024/2025. I was tempted by the 7900 XTX, but the power efficiency of the Lovelace cards meant that the overall price/performance was going to be much better with the 4070 Ti.
Did you feel you got good price/performance with the 4070ti?
2 Dec 2022
AMD also has this feature in their drivers

TLDW: Nvidia reflex is good, input lag in GPU bound scenarios is comparable to non GPU bound scenarios. Radeon anti lag is rubbish.
23 Jun 2004

TLDW: Nvidia reflex is good, input lag in GPU bound scenarios is comparable to non GPU bound scenarios. Radeon anti lag is rubbish.
Fair enough. That is from 2 two years ago though. Maybe its improved since then. Not actually watched the video though.
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14 Aug 2017
I meant on consumer electronics as well.

It counts for consumer electronics - it's not that long between the release of server components and the next gen of consumer components that surpass them. A100s are banned for China now, 4090s may already fall foul of the same ban. It applies to *any* hardware more powerful than an A100.
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31 Jan 2022
I think a price drop on the 4080 to £1000 will be inevitable within the next few months

I wouldn't take anything for granted. NVIDIA rarely drops prices until a new release. They may well hang on until the 5000 series, and even then I would not bank on them reducing prices at all. On the contrary, you can perhaps just expect them to increase the price of the 5090, since people buying the 4090 have shown they are willing to pay the extra.
Fact is that NVIDIA have us over a barrel and they know it. People still crave that next purchase and while they do, NVIDIA have us by the shorts.
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28 Oct 2011
I wouldn't take anything for granted. NVIDIA rarely drops prices until a new release. They may well hang on until the 5000 series, and even then I would not bank on them reducing prices at all. On the contrary, you can perhaps just expect them to increase the price of the 5090, since people buying the 4090 have shown they are willing to pay the extra.
Fact is that NVIDIA have us over a barrel and they know it. People still crave that next purchase and while they do, NVIDIA have us by the shorts.

Too many gullible people with no impulse control.
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18 Jul 2009
Tividale, West Midlands
I wouldn't take anything for granted. NVIDIA rarely drops prices until a new release. They may well hang on until the 5000 series, and even then I would not bank on them reducing prices at all. On the contrary, you can perhaps just expect them to increase the price of the 5090, since people buying the 4090 have shown they are willing to pay the extra.
Fact is that NVIDIA have us over a barrel and they know it. People still crave that next purchase and while they do, NVIDIA have us by the shorts.
NVIDIA do not really have us in a closed market though, do they? AMD and Intel have products that compete up to RTX 4080 levels. Their only halo product is the RTX 4090, and sales have dropped off the cliff, now that early adopters are no longer buying in droves (price has dropped on RTX 4090 since its launch).

Also the price of the RTX 4080, has also slightly dropped since launch.

Roll on RTX 5090, we can hopefully get the AMD RT 8000 series at the same time and see if the AMD chiplets tech matures to a level which properly competes, at the high-end.

Also, AMD produce so many chips for Sony and Microsoft, while NVIDIA have the low powered Nintendo Switch to their name that at some point their (NVIDIA'S) market dominance must erode.

Myself and others have for so long bought NVIDIA cards with brand loyalty, but I think we should now step away and vote with our wallets and leave the "Apple" of GPU makers behind and see if we can reduce the Jensen retirement fund a bit...
2 Dec 2022
Myself and others have for so long bought NVIDIA cards with brand loyalty, but I think we should now step away and vote with our wallets and leave the "Apple" of GPU makers behind and see if we can reduce the Jensen retirement fund a bit...
Why would you be loyal to a brand for a computer component? It's not a status symbol like an iPhone, just get the product that offers the best value to you. For me it was the 30 series a couple of years ago because AMD weren't selling them at MSRP in the UK so Nvidia was massively better value. This gen it was much closer but I ended up with a 4070 Ti because they were simply offering superior overall value for money to me compared to the 7900 XT and XTX. If you want to vote with your wallet then the only alternative at that performance level is AMD who are just as bad if not worse. They were given a massive open goal with Nvidia overpricing their GPUs this gen, and they have lower manufacturing costs from the chiplet design, but the only thing they're interested in competing with is profit margins. They're content to offer slightly better raster price/performance but inferior overall price/performance when factoring in other things like DLSS, power efficiency etc.
18 Jul 2009
Tividale, West Midlands
Why would you be loyal to a brand for a computer component? It's not a status symbol like an iPhone, just get the product that offers the best value to you. For me it was the 30 series a couple of years ago because AMD weren't selling them at MSRP in the UK so Nvidia was massively better value. This gen it was much closer but I ended up with a 4070 Ti because they were simply offering superior overall value for money to me compared to the 7900 XT and XTX. If you want to vote with your wallet then the only alternative at that performance level is AMD who are just as bad if not worse. They were given a massive open goal with Nvidia overpricing their GPUs this gen, and they have lower manufacturing costs from the chiplet design, but the only thing they're interested in competing with is profit margins. They're content to offer slightly better raster price/performance but inferior overall price/performance when factoring in other things like DLSS, power efficiency etc.
I was trying to emphasise that as PC users we have been buying NVIDIA far to much as PC users, and it is time to think seriously on our next GPU purchase?
2 Dec 2022
I was trying to emphasise that as PC users we have been buying NVIDIA far to much as PC users, and it is time to think seriously on our next GPU purchase?
I did think seriously on my GPU purchase, problem is what is the alternative? I ended up selling my 30 series card last year when I got bored with gaming, the only other way to vote with my wallet was no gaming GPU at all, but I'd rather overpay by £200 than miss out on 2 years of PC gaming until the next gen cards come out.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
Why would you be loyal to a brand for a computer component? It's not a status symbol like an iPhone, just get the product that offers the best value to you. For me it was the 30 series a couple of years ago because AMD weren't selling them at MSRP in the UK so Nvidia was massively better value. This gen it was much closer but I ended up with a 4070 Ti because they were simply offering superior overall value for money to me compared to the 7900 XT and XTX. If you want to vote with your wallet then the only alternative at that performance level is AMD who are just as bad if not worse. They were given a massive open goal with Nvidia overpricing their GPUs this gen, and they have lower manufacturing costs from the chiplet design, but the only thing they're interested in competing with is profit margins. They're content to offer slightly better raster price/performance but inferior overall price/performance when factoring in other things like DLSS, power efficiency etc.

An iPhone is a status symbol? Maybe among 13 year olds.
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4 Jun 2009
Why would you be loyal to a brand for a computer component? It's not a status symbol like an iPhone, just get the product that offers the best value to you. For me it was the 30 series a couple of years ago because AMD weren't selling them at MSRP in the UK so Nvidia was massively better value. This gen it was much closer but I ended up with a 4070 Ti because they were simply offering superior overall value for money to me compared to the 7900 XT and XTX. If you want to vote with your wallet then the only alternative at that performance level is AMD who are just as bad if not worse. They were given a massive open goal with Nvidia overpricing their GPUs this gen, and they have lower manufacturing costs from the chiplet design, but the only thing they're interested in competing with is profit margins. They're content to offer slightly better raster price/performance but inferior overall price/performance when factoring in other things like DLSS, power efficiency etc.

Another thing which many were wrong on, supposedly those savings were going to be passed onto the customers......

Oh and the best of all was all the "efficiency" claims about chiplet, ada ended up kicking ass here.

9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
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