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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

28 Oct 2011
Im sure nvidia is impossible to work with, that's why EVGA partnered up with AMD. Oh, wait, nevermind

Keep handwaving instead of actually explaining your position :D

Because EVGA didn't partner with AMD doesn't mean that NV weren't impossible to work with, but you knew that....;)

There's no explanation needed, it's all out there, has been for years in some cases (VRAM scam for example, way back to the 970 in fact :cry:) - everyone can see it, but somehow it's only you who can take offence at AMD while totally hand-waving away NV's crimes. But we all knew that already, thanks for once again underlining the fact that you're not a credible voice as you have a complete bias for NV. In a space where both major players are absolutely disreputable and 99% of people on this fourm would agree with that, somehow in your eyes, only one of them is...

19 Jan 2022
Because EVGA didn't partner with AMD doesn't mean that NV weren't impossible to work with, but you knew that....;)
What difference does that make to you or me? I don't really care - like at all. I'm not an nvidia partner.
There's no explanation needed, it's all out there, has been for years in some cases (VRAM scam for example, way back to the 970 in fact :cry:) - everyone can see it, but somehow it's only you who can take offence at AMD while totally hand-waving away NV's crimes. But we all knew that already, thanks for once again underlining the fact that you're not a credible voice as you have a complete bias for NV. In a space where both major players are absolutely disreputable and 99% of people on this fourm would agree with that, somehow in your eyes, only one of them is...

I asked you to pick on one of the alleged nvidia crimes and elaborate on them so I can actually answer. You keep dodging doing that, my only conclusion from that is there are no crimes, you are just nvidia bashing as usual.

I have a bias for nvidia while suggesting people should buy a 7900xt over a 4070ti. You are very credible my man :D

EG1. The tactic you are employing is a logical fallacy and is called gish gallop. You are just throwing 50 arguments at me with no context or any substantiated thought under them and expect me to waste 12 hours responding to all of them. Sorry, I don't waste my time with logical fallacies. Pick one, elaborate on what you think nvidia is doing wrong, and ill respond

The Gish gallop /ˈɡɪʃ ˈɡæləp/ is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm their opponent by providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments.
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28 Oct 2011
What difference does that make to you or me? I don't really care - like at all. I'm not an nvidia partner.

I asked you to pick on one of the alleged nvidia crimes and elaborate on them so I can actually answer. You keep dodging doing that, my only conclusion from that is there are no crimes, you are just nvidia bashing as usual.

I have a bias for nvidia while suggesting people should buy a 7900xt over a 4070ti. You are very credible my man :D

EG1. The tactic you are employing is a logical fallacy and is called gish gallop. You are just throwing 50 arguments at me with no context or any substantiated thought under them and expect me to waste 12 hours responding to all of them. Sorry, I don't waste my time with logical fallacies. Pick one, elaborate on what you think nvidia is doing wrong, and ill respond

The Gish gallop /ˈɡɪʃ ˈɡæləp/ is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm their opponent by providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments.

It's all out there, I've already read all of your nonsense rebuttals, as has the rest of the forum ad infinitum.

We already know your conclusion is NV has no crimes though...thanks for just laying that out there!

You're suggesting people buy a 7900xt so you can throw the ***** tactics slur in there at the end, so transparent!

Hardly surprising you're incredibly familiar trolling techniques is it?

I'm less credible because I believe both NV and AMD are scummy, while in your mind AMD is awful while NV is whiter than white?

Ok then.

28 Oct 2011
Whatever - ive given you the chance to to elaborate on your gish gallop - you refused. Moving on

Yeah, you've exposed yourself yet again as a biased bad faith actor on this foum with zero credibility, so job done. Moving on also. If you feel the need to have the last word you can have it I won't reply, as its already very common knowledge what your entire agenda is.

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3 May 2021
I'm not sure why anyone would buy a 6950XT for £699 when you can get a 7900XT for £780.

Both companies are having our eyes out. There's no "good guy" between Nvidia and AMD.
Because 680€ (not £) is already a lot of money and some people might be looking at the best performance within a certain price bracket.
Basically new gen works only if you're spending a ton of money.
Looking at AMD (Nvidia prices are all over the place) I would say:

Under 400€: 6700XT
Under 600€: 6800(XT)
Under 700€: 6950XT

If you want to get a 7900XT at least in Italy you're going to look at another 200€, where you're going dangerously close to a month of salary here.
11 Sep 2007
from the internet
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth

7900 XT seems to be getting a haircut again.

They are going down 3060, 6600 and 6650XT prices have all dropped a fair amount last three months

BuT PeOpLe NoT bUyInG hAs No ImPaCt On PrIcEs,RiGhT?

That is what the experts told me,its a sellers market,no point waiting and just buy! buy! buy! Prices will go down that way. That is how it works? :cry:
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20 May 2007
They will definitely come down more. Or at the very least there will be more offers and promotions to take them below rrp.

The 4070 release has shown the enthusiasm has entirely evaporated in the mid range sector.

Though to be honest, that is largely because mid range cards are not even mid range prices anymore.



3 Oct 2008
Strange how people keep saying that these companies cant reduce pricing as they wont make any money but then for some reason the prices fall.

Its almost as comical as when 3090's / 3090ti's hit nearly 3k when a FE was nearly half the price.
14 Aug 2009
BuT PeOpLe NoT bUyInG hAs No ImPaCt On PrIcEs,RiGhT?

That is what the experts told me,its a sellers market,no point waiting and just buy! buy! buy! Prices will go down that way. That is how it works? :cry:
I wouldn't be too surprised that the profit margin is more towards 100% (perhaps significantly more) for these high priced products, so yeah, there is room to go down.
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