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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

15 Oct 2019
They will definitely come down more. Or at the very least there will be more offers and promotions to take them below rrp.

The 4070 release has shown the enthusiasm has entirely evaporated in the mid range sector.

Though to be honest, that is largely because mid range cards are not even mid range prices anymore.
It’s not even just the prices now though.

The amount of comments I’ve seen on the net about how it’s really a 60 card I think the penny has finally dropped for the masses and the backlash against nvidia is real.

Can’t wait to see the outrage when the 4060/ti release as anything that doesn’t perform close to a 4070 and doesn’t have more than 8gb vram just isn’t going to cut it for folks especially not at over $400



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Linus made a very valid point in the below, "until gamers stop buying Nvidia cards at inflated prices, there's nothing we can do" - Viewers were pointing blame at LTT etc for not pushing hard enough against NV about the prices of these cards, little realising that it's a futile effort, as long as those very gamers will go out and buy those very cards.... It feels like people going "how dare you not do enough publicly now look at what you made me do buying this £1200 GPU that would otherwise be £800 outside of current situations" - Boggles the mind.

Of course some will chime in and say "nobody can tell people how to spend their money" - true. But then again nobody has a right to complain when people are spending said money on inflated GPUs. The issue lies with consumers, not with LTT or other large platforms "not doing enough".
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15 Oct 2019
Linus made a very valid point in the below, "until gamers stop buying Nvidia cards at inflated prices, there's nothing we can do" - Viewers were pointing blame at LTT etc for not pushing hard enough against NV about the prices of these cards, little realising that it's a futile effort, as long as those very gamers will go out and buy those very cards.... It feels like people going "how dare you not do enough publicly now look at what you made me do buying this £1200 GPU that would otherwise be £800 outside of current situations" - Boggles the mind.

Of course some will chime in and say "nobody can tell people how to spend their money" - true. But then again nobody has a right to complain when people are spending said money on inflated GPUs. The issue lies with consumers, not with LTT or other large platforms "not doing enough".
Obviously it’s down to consumers but tech tubers still have a role to play and are called influencers for a reason.

Some of the people watching these channels are often looking for purchasing advice from people they perceive to be better informed on a products performance and value.
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14 Aug 2009
It’s not even just the prices now though.

The amount of comments I’ve seen on the net about how it’s really a 60 card I think the penny has finally dropped for the masses and the backlash against nvidia is real.

Can’t wait to see the outrage when the 4060/ti release as anything that doesn’t perform close to a 4070 and doesn’t have more than 8gb vram just isn’t going to cut it for folks especially not at over $400
A 8GB card launched now should not be more than around $200-$220 right now There's too much risk to end up with something that will force you to sacrifice settings sooner rather than later as you'll be at the mercy of game devs...
6 Aug 2009
I have an uncle that used to work in sportswear manufacturing and he said it was about 10x from production cost to high street. It varies a lot from industry to industry and where you are in the chain. I think it's also a lot more complex than people think. There are always initially higher prices to account for R&D and tooling costs and very low prices at the EOL stage just to shift stock. It's not linear and volume of sales can bring down prices too.
16 Aug 2017
There are always initially higher prices to account for R&D and tooling costs and very low prices at the EOL stage just to shift stock. It's not linear and volume of sales can bring down prices too.
Problem is that this is exactly what isn't happening with GPUs currently. Prices even of old models from Nvidia are still way too high. On the other hand, GPUs like Radeon 580 are actually very sensibly low priced now and for many older or esport games in 1080p these are plenty fast. And yet people still buy stuff like gtx 1030 for similar price and way way slower - because it's Nvidia. And this is one of the reasons prices do not drop - not enough people vote with their wallets and by effect they support such practices, with big brands loyalty to that.
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6 Oct 2019
Well I think I am done with PC gaming. Having bought a 3070Ti a few months back I sold this to CEX for £308 and bought a 980Ti for £80. This plays all the games and decent FPS. Going to go back to a PS5 I think. I only play a handful of games and will keep my current PC 5600X-980Ti for the foreseeable future and try VR and console gaming again.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Well I think I am done with PC gaming. Having bought a 3070Ti a few months back I sold this to CEX for £308 and bought a 980Ti for £80. This plays all the games and decent FPS. Going to go back to a PS5 I think. I only play a handful of games and will keep my current PC 5600X-980Ti for the foreseeable future and try VR and console gaming again.

I am going to give it another generation or two of dGPU releases,and if this price shrinkflation continues,I might have to get a console for the newer AAA games or just stick to older games. £400~£450 for trash like the RTX4060TI 8GB is a joke if the rumours are true(Should be under £400 and have 16GB of VRAM). Then keep the desktop for the older games(or get a laptop) and upgrade it modestly every few years. Luckily I have 100s of games which will run fine on older hardware.
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12 Jan 2021
Obviously it’s down to consumers but tech tubers still have a role to play and are called influencers for a reason.

Some of the people watching these channels are often looking for purchasing advice from people they perceive to be better informed on a products performance and value.
He gave a mostly positive review of the 3080ti, compared to some other youtube channels like Gamers Nexus. I certainly don't let him influence me! https://youtu.be/IYB3d72lYCk?t=283
26 May 2014
Well I think I am done with PC gaming. Having bought a 3070Ti a few months back I sold this to CEX for £308 and bought a 980Ti for £80. This plays all the games and decent FPS. Going to go back to a PS5 I think. I only play a handful of games and will keep my current PC 5600X-980Ti for the foreseeable future and try VR and console gaming again.
You can certainly still get by just fine and have a nice experience with a 980 Ti/1070-level card in the vast majority of games. I was using a 1070 until recently and would still be doing so had a nice deal on a 1080 Ti not fallen in my lap. Currently splitting my time between the Final Fantasy VII remake, Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Breath of the Wild on Cemu. I certainly don't feel I'm lacking for entertainment.
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