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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

6 Oct 2019
I am going to give it another generation or two of dGPU releases,and if this price shrinkflation continues,I might have to get a console for the newer AAA games or just stick to older games. £400~£450 for trash like the RTX4060TI 8GB is a joke if the rumours are true(Should be under £400 and have 16GB of VRAM). Then keep the desktop for the older games(or get a laptop) and upgrade it modestly every few years. Luckily I have 100s of games which will run fine on older hardware.

I have had about 8 GPUs in the past 3 years, always having the urge to upgrade and coming to the conclusion I’ve wasted my money so sold it then bought something cheaper. I think watching reviews on YouTube and here put a lot of pressure on you trying to keep up. I honestly think I’m done now trying out new GPUs there becoming a massive rip off for what? Playing a game with better FPS. I think a PS5 and a good 120Hz monitor is the way forward for me.

You can certainly still get by just fine and have a nice experience with a 980 Ti/1070-level card in the vast majority of games. I was using a 1070 until recently and would still be doing so had a nice deal on a 1080 Ti not fallen in my lap. Currently splitting my time between the Final Fantasy VII remake, Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Breath of the Wild on Cemu. I certainly don't feel I'm lacking for entertainment.

Before the 3070Ti I had a 970 as a stop gap and that played FIFA 23 and CIV games fine for me on an ultra wide, FIFA is capped at 60FPS anyway so the 3070Ti only really improved the visuals, not really important. The 980Ti is a an impressive card for been so old, I’m having no issues with it at all and not playing the AAA games is no bother to me.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
I have had about 8 GPUs in the past 3 years, always having the urge to upgrade and coming to the conclusion I’ve wasted my money so sold it then bought something cheaper. I think watching reviews on YouTube and here put a lot of pressure on you trying to keep up. I honestly think I’m done now trying out new GPUs there becoming a massive rip off for what? Playing a game with better FPS. I think a PS5 and a good 120Hz monitor is the way forward for me.

There used to be a time when upgrading gave you massive improvements for similar money,and the older generation of dGPUs was discounted. But now you literally pay 50% more for 50% higher framerates,which is ridiculous IMHO. Also on top of this you see motherboards,etc also going up in price too. So IMHO,maybe being behind the curve when it comes to PC games removes the need to upgrade the system all the time.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Yep, I am not entertaining an overhaul as the motherboard prices and even the CPU's are rather steep compared to when I bought into the AM4 platform.

Cpu was 180, motherboard was 85.

AM5 equivalent is 230 and 200 respectively. Prices will eventually come down but will wait for the right time and see what intel has at the actual time (its just definitely not now). :D
3 May 2021
There used to be a time when upgrading gave you massive improvements for similar money,and the older generation of dGPUs was discounted. But now you literally pay 50% more for 50% higher framerates,which is ridiculous IMHO. Also on top of this you see motherboards,etc also going up in price too. So IMHO,maybe being behind the curve when it comes to PC games removes the need to upgrade the system all the time. T
Buying games at 20€ tops makes your sistem age a lot slower and your wallet a bit heavier.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Yep, I am not entertaining an overhaul as the motherboard prices and even the CPU's are rather steep compared to when I bought into the AM4 platform.

Cpu was 180, motherboard was 85.

AM5 equivalent is 230 and 200 respectively. Prices will eventually come down but will wait for the right time and see what intel has at the actual time (its just definitely not now). :D

Also AMD artificially segmenting PCI-E 5.0 behind the B650E. The A620/B650 use the same Promontory 21 chipset,which is apparently half the price of the X570 chipset! Then a £100 A620 looking like a £60 A520,ie,the price of a reasonable B550 motherboard.We know now the RTX4060/RTX4060TI/RX7600XT are 8GB dGPUs with an 8X PCI-E bus. That means the RTX5060/RTX5060TI/RX8600XT could also be 8X PCI-E bus dGPUs with relatively limited VRAM so could have problems.

Buying games at 20€ tops makes your sistem age a lot slower and your wallet a bit heavier.

It also means the games tend to be better optimised by then,and the drivers have improved too.
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27 Sep 2005
London innit
That's a great rule to have - also if most gamers are anything like me then they have a substantial backlog of shame....currently playing through Assassins Creed Black Flag for the first time.../smh

My 5700XT is handling Persona 5, Diablo 3 and Dreamlight Valley at 4k like a champ :) It was pretty OK at Cyberpunk with FSR2 on and the Digital Foundry optimized settings, 50-60 FPS at 4k. Was planning to upgrade this gen, but it's all been a bit meh.
22 Nov 2020
Are we gonna see a price cut to the 4080 / 4090 any time soon?
Linus made a very valid point in the below, "until gamers stop buying Nvidia cards at inflated prices, there's nothing we can do" - Viewers were pointing blame at LTT etc for not pushing hard enough against NV about the prices of these cards, little realising that it's a futile effort, as long as those very gamers will go out and buy those very cards.... It feels like people going "how dare you not do enough publicly now look at what you made me do buying this £1200 GPU that would otherwise be £800 outside of current situations" - Boggles the mind.

Of course some will chime in and say "nobody can tell people how to spend their money" - true. But then again nobody has a right to complain when people are spending said money on inflated GPUs. The issue lies with consumers, not with LTT or other large platforms "not doing enough".
LTT has bought an XTX so there’s your answer.
16 Apr 2023
Well I think I am done with PC gaming. Having bought a 3070Ti a few months back I sold this to CEX for £308 and bought a 980Ti for £80. This plays all the games and decent FPS. Going to go back to a PS5 I think. I only play a handful of games and will keep my current PC 5600X-980Ti for the foreseeable future and try VR and console gaming again.
I saw the 4070 reviews the other day along with the price and decided it was time to give up waiting on a decently priced GPU and just bought an Xbox series x instead, I'm a big resident evil fan and wanted to play the latest one, maybe I had forgotten it's about the games by getting caught up in constant YouTube reviews of graphics cards I think a good rule is probably just buy the system that has the game you want and not worry too much about the fps/resolutions etc, yes it matters to a certain extent but it's not worth spending 3x as much money, atleast not for me
14 Aug 2017
That's a great rule to have - also if most gamers are anything like me then they have a substantial backlog of shame....currently playing through Assassins Creed Black Flag for the first time.../smh

"Backlog of Shame"! Love it, never heard that one before.

Yes, Black Flag is in mine. AC III as well. I played the original and the Ezio sequence but lost the appetite for AC after that, then bought the next two for some reason! Played Valhalla on PS5 recently and absolutely loved it, so tempted to go back and see what happened in all the games in-between.
3 May 2021
That's a great rule to have - also if most gamers are anything like me then they have a substantial backlog of shame....currently playing through Assassins Creed Black Flag for the first time.../smh
It helps if you also use gog as primary digital store, DRM free but at the cost of a great delay for most titles.
6 Jun 2005
Plymouth / Cambridge

LTT has bought an XTX so there’s your answer.
very valid point in the below, "until gamers stop buying Nvidia cards at inflated prices"

True point from linus. but i am not just a gamer, this is a purchase for work 3d modelling, Unreal 5 game dev work, rendering and video production...AMD has little support for at that currently. so its Nvidia for me. i'll do some gaming sure but its not the main focus.
6 Oct 2007
North West
LTT runs an XTX


9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
LTT runs an XTX


They were sponsored by Nvidia and Intel for many years and AMD was not that interested:

Then Nvidia got angry they were being critical against them:

He explains more later. Basically nvidia was trying to influence other sponsors to spend less on LMG sponsorships. They were trying to bully them basically - probably in response to Linus standing up for independent media. Linus goes on to laugh that at nvidia's peak involvement with LMG, they contributed 0.5% revenue to LMG.

The quote is: "I heard through the grapevine from more than one industry contact that nvidia was trying to put pressure on our partners to reduce their advertising spending with us."
He goes on to say of course it can't be verified as no one from nvidia would admit to it.
It's a pretty juicy segment (I haven't watched the rest of the episode, and it is still live now) but Linus doesn't filter himself a whole lot.

Oh well,I suppose Nvidia dug that hole for themselves.
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17 Jun 2004
Eastbourne , East Sussex.
Yep, I am not entertaining an overhaul as the motherboard prices and even the CPU's are rather steep compared to when I bought into the AM4 platform.

Cpu was 180, motherboard was 85.

AM5 equivalent is 230 and 200 respectively. Prices will eventually come down but will wait for the right time and see what intel has at the actual time (its just definitely not now). :D

Mines a bit more , got launch day 5800X3D and a B550 gaming plus (and some cl14 3200 ddr4) ; AM5 (or even Intel) - the cpu is about the same, but the motherboard has doubled , and ram cost, holy moly
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