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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

7 Dec 2010
Another hint at why EVGA left the fold...
They were sponsored by Nvidia and Intel for many years and AMD was not that interested:

Then Nvidia got angry they were being critical against them:

Oh well,I suppose Nvidia dug that hole for themselves.

Nvidia should just rename their company to Narcissista and get it over and done with, they upset any company they come in contact with from their own AIBs, Linux, console makers and the list goes on... to the point they treat their own customers like brain dead sheep that will not see threw their games.

Bigger companies than Nvidia have failed and become stories in history documentaries .. I don't understand why they think they are immune to the possibility that may be their future if they carry on as they are doing. I have never seen a company that is doing so well in its field upset so many and their own customers that pay them.

You just have to read forums since ADA came out and see how many have had enough now and tired of Nvidia's "lies", "tricks" and to top it all off their pricing (Greed) now that has nothing to do with inflation or any other made up reason like Moores law is dead.. Fake frames are the future etc etc..

I wish them luck as in the future some unknown company now or in the near future maybe knocking on their door and saying hi we are the ghost of 3DFX lets dance the dance you played back then.

All it needs is one company to come out and take strides ahead of them and at a sensible price or some feature that is unique to them that Nvidia can't have and customers want and then Nvidia better start praying their name does not end up in history books and documentaries.

I'm sure many of us here remember how many different companies use to make cpus, graphics cards, chipsets, etc and they are all gone now and they were huge companies that totally died off or have changed what they make now.

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18 Jun 2018
Isle of Wight
If that's life then the only answer is just buy a 4090 before you kick the can :p
Helped my dad but a new system for him to build this month. Including a 4090.

He'll likely never get any serious use out of it as he's 83, but he gave me a budget and I could squeeze it in! I'll need to get him connecting his quest 2 to the pc to stand any chance of taxing it.
8 Sep 2020
Some fleabayers ( small businesses with 100% feedback ) have Palit GeForce RTX 4080 GameRocks for about 1k. I am thinking with a decent code they might go down to 900/925 and then I might go for one. Question is i wonder how they managed to sell them so cheaply?
14 Aug 2017
Question is i wonder how they managed to sell them so cheaply?

I think it's just the way things are going, globally. The prices here in Aus have trickled down enough that you get 4080 offers at around £910 mark now (just under £1k accounting for VAT), for a gigabyte card most recently but also on a zotac before that. So they've already come down about 25% from launch, here.

Gotta be down to their abysmal sales.
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1 Nov 2002
Some fleabayers ( small businesses with 100% feedback ) have Palit GeForce RTX 4080 GameRocks for about 1k. I am thinking with a decent code they might go down to 900/925 and then I might go for one. Question is i wonder how they managed to sell them so cheaply?

The only thing that would make me hesitant is if you needed RMA support, how helpful is a small eBay business going to be. I’ve purchased a couple of high end GPU’s within the past six months and both needed to be RMA’d (I must be unlucky!).
18 Oct 2002
Some fleabayers ( small businesses with 100% feedback ) have Palit GeForce RTX 4080 GameRocks for about 1k. I am thinking with a decent code they might go down to 900/925 and then I might go for one. Question is i wonder how they managed to sell them so cheaply?
Also check that they will have at least *some* warranty.
20 May 2007
If you look at some of the places that sell stuff from central suppliers, the stock levels for some cards are hilariously high.

Like over 400 of the cheapest 7900xt....

Really don't know when to buy. Feels like they might have to drop further across the board.
31 Dec 2010

Sales must be going swimmingly.
So this rumour backs up what the other previous ones said: Nvidia have already paid TSMC as they had to commit in advance. And they went all-in with expecting of the mining and lockdown boom to "last forever".

Now it looks like their $5 billion inventory is mostly in the form of finished wafers which they have stacked somewhere waiting to for mugs to buy them at the high price.

All a bit risky, and despite Nvidia's reputation for execution and planning, this sounds like a most basic wrong decision which could only have been taken at the CEO level. It's almost like they had never heard of a boom and bust mining cycle before and that their licence to print money was unending.

Wonder if any shareholders will ask any questions as it is kind of hard to hide $5 billion of inventory - or maybe they'll have something to distract them at any analyst meeting? While the money comes in I guess nobody will - after all long-term thinking is as alien to shareholders as it is to golden-goose-killing-companies.
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