When was the last time u prayed ?

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DiG said:
I was brought up in a Christian family, so I admit I must be biased towards Christianity, but I stoped believing, I went away and prayed and things like that OUTSIDE of church, just me and God (If he existed), and he does, he revealed himself to me (this is very hard, or near impossible to explain, so I won't try), What God showed me matches the Christian religion in the basics, so thats where I go.

I don't believe it all and don't follow it blindly or mindlessly, I know Christianity has not got it all right, other religions will have bits both right and wrong as well, none of us has a monopoly of truth on God

The way I see it is God is something that we cannot understand, I don't, know one really can, we will never get solid proof, and if you think you believe science because it has been proven your mistaken, you have faith in the evidence given to you

Then if people want to believe in him, they can do so. We don't have to keep making assumptions

"Oh, we're not allowed to have sex."
"We must kill the non-believers."

People and religion have taken something pure and corrupted it for their own means. People have put words into God's mouth and declared it as fact.

Like you said, you found God on your own. God exists for you, but you didn't need religion to find him. We don't need religion, religion is bad (I wont say evil because it's too strong, but I would say extremists are evil), look what it makes people do to one another.
I could say the reason you went towards christianity is because ultimately all religion is striving for the same thing i.e. a relationship with a higher being. Religions gain their differences from the culture they serve. The architechture is a dead giveaway. You fell towards christianity because it was the most easy to relate to in your culture, it doesn't mean it's right.
To OP: We (most people) pray when we feel out of control or overwhelmed. We pray if we need some higher being to help guide us or perhaps keep someone alive/make them better.

In this light, we pray for comfort because we're scared and insignificant. I think perhaps athiests are just as scared as anyone else but can just see outside the box in relation to religion.

I haven't prayed for a long time, like I said earlier, simply because nothing ever comes of it and therefore I see no need to do it apart from comforting myself.

I really, really don't think any diety would be so petty to judge people on belief in him or not. As long as you lead a good, happy life. What more can anyone ask?
Last time i prayed, was quietly whispering to myself that God would pick the numbers that i had on my Euro Millions lottery ticket, so i would win.....

Unfortunately, It didnt come true :(

Nix said:
Then if people want to believe in him, they can do so. We don't have to keep making assumptions

"Oh, we're not allowed to have sex."
"We must kill the non-believers."

People and religion have taken something pure and corrupted it for their own means. People have put words into God's mouth and declared it as fact.

Like you said, you found God on your own. God exists for you, but you didn't need religion to find him. We don't need religion, religion is bad (I wont say evil because it's too strong, but I would say extremists are evil), look what it makes people do to one another.
I could say the reason you went towards christianity is because ultimately all religion is striving for the same thing i.e. a relationship with a higher being. Religions gain their differences from the culture they serve. The architechture is a dead giveaway. You fell towards christianity because it was the most easy to relate to in your culture, it doesn't mean it's right.
Religion, as I use it is a place for people who have found God to meet, encourage and support eachother, in my Church and church youth this is what it is, no one is forced to belive anything. I agree religion has been and is being twisted and being used for evil, but that does not mean it is bad.

I don't need religion, but it helps a lot to be with people who believe the same basic principles as you do during hard times
DiG said:
Religion, as I use it is a place for people who have found God to meet, encourage and support eachother, in my Church and church youth this is what it is, no one is forced to belive anything. I agree religion has been and is being twisted and being used for evil, but that does not mean it is bad.

I don't need religion, but it helps a lot to be with people who believe the same basic principles as you do during hard times

I don't see a problem at all with this, as you're happy this way. You've even accepted religion has its flaws, but you obviously attend somewhere which is more liberal. This is the religion adapting to a change in society.

Without the scare mongering there are much less people who believe than if the scare mongering still exisited. Maybe one day all religion will be as liberal, wait scrap that - maybe one day people will accept their religion may not be true and find God the same way you did. The world would be much better for it.
Nix said:
Without the scare mongering there are much less people who believe than if the scare mongering still exisited. Maybe one day all religion will be as liberal, wait scrap that - maybe one day people will accept their religion may not be true and find God the same way you did. The world would be much better for it.

Your posts made me go all :(

You choose how much involvment you are going to have with i.e. Christianity, there are Christians that won't have sex before marriage, I am Christian but I don't follow that. God's way is for you to interpret, yes, but a religion is there to help you find your way, if we where all on our own there will be, who knows how many, cultists trying to lure you in their own perverted thoughts about God's way.

And dude please chill :D
pyro said:
Your posts made me go all :(

You choose how much involvment you are going to have with i.e. Christianity, there are Christians that won't have sex before marriage, I am Christian but I don't follow that. God's way is for you to interpret, yes, but a religion is there to help you find your way, if we where all on our own there will be, who knows how many, cultists trying to lure you in their own perverted thoughts about God's way.

And dude please chill :D

I don't feel I need to chill as i'm quite relaxed :confused:

I know what you're saying about cults and things but i'm saying organised religion has caused more trouble in this world than anything else. More often then not it gives people an excuse to persecute others.

My outlook on life is similar to yours BUT I don't follow any religion.
I don't declare myself as theist, atheist or even agnostic. I'm probably more agnostic than anything else as I need to see proof or see some form of evidence before I'm persuaded or declare something as fact.
As far as i'm concerned, if I live a happy, long life, am a nice person and did good things, why on earth will any God - if one exists punish me, purely because I didn't conform to any religion or pray?
By what your saying Nix surly a God could punish you just because he/she/it was in a bad mood,

Who is to say God has to be nice and loving? I know he is, but how do you know? Because religion has told you
what makes anyone in this thread think that they have the right to call someone's faith into question?

do you believe in God? do you have a religion?


now, i am not religious in the slightest. that is just the person i am. however, what i cannot stand is these kids (and regardless of your age, that's what you're being, children) spouting all this BS about how religion is a lie, and people force it down your throats, and they preach. do they? i have had jehova's witnesses around at my house and all they do is tell you about God. i mean, if you found complete enlightenment in a book, being, concept, whatever...and it made you unbelievably happy, wouldn't you want to share that with someone? i know i would. life isn't about being right all the time, and it doesnt make you a better person because you know that God doesnt exist. does it make you feel better patronising the people that do have a faith? i hope it doesnt.

i've not known Brynn for a very long time, and he's probably the only devout Christian that i do know. has he ever tried to force his beliefs on me? no. do we talk about them? we have done. contrary to what you believe, it isn't religion that you should hate making you feel this way, it's how the media portrays it. where did you learn that religion was bad? i'll bet that not every person in this thread has had the first-hand experience that they claim to have.

furthermore, i recently went to a funeral ceremony in a Roman Catholic Chruch. am i Roman Catholic? no, i am not. was i welcomed into their church, and MADE to feel welcome? yes, i was. i was also involved in their ceremonies, and even though i don't have a faith, they still welcomed me in to celebrate the young man that lost his life. too many of you are focusing on the negativity associated with religion, when it's not about promoting hate, it's about spreading love. and what can be bad about that, in a world like the one we live in?

i could talk all day about this, but i'm rambling already.
Nix said:
As far as i'm concerned, if I live a happy, long life, am a nice person and did good things, why on earth will any God - if one exists punish me, purely because I didn't conform to any religion or pray?
Cos their god is a jealous and angry god. Eg half of the ten commandments quoted way upthread are devoted to pandering to gods ego. There is plenty of written evidence of gods vindictive and violent nature. By human standards the behaviour is that of a genocidal sociopath.
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Sic said:
what makes anyone in this thread think that they have the right to call someone's faith into question?
What makes you think we don't have the right.

Anyway Brynn et al have participated freely and with grace so maybe your righteous anger would be better employed elsewhere. [Anyway bring the faith to the infidel is a good act by xian standards]

Also this is a forum where people discuss and debate issues. If the subject bores you or causes you distress look away. You are not forced to participate in every thread.
i am not religious in the slightest ... spouting all this BS about how religion is a lie
You do see the contradicition of those two statements don't you?
I totally agree with sic, you don't believe in regilious faith, thats cool. Neither do I, in any form or fashion.

However you have absolutely no right to question their beliefs. It is their life and their beliefs, do not belittle it, do not slander it, do not mock it.

If you don't believe in religion, fine, but do not go spouting that it doesn't exist just because thats your opinion. Same as your "Love is a myth" thread.

You seem to think that your opinion is automatic fact, and you argue with anybody who thinks different.

Its so odd to read posts from somebody like you, I'm not really having a go at you, but I'm rather bemused as how you can sit back and simply state that religion is a lie.

You do not know what lies beyond us, you do not know how our world and life as we know it, is constructed.
Sleepy said:
What makes you think we don't have the right.

because it isnt your faith. that's why.

Sleepy said:
Anyway Brynn et al have participated freely and with grace so maybe your righteous anger would be better employed elsewhere. [Anyway bring the faith to the infidel is a good act by xian standards]

i didnt say that he didnt, but all i've seen some pretty lame cheap shots coming from you guys, that quite frankly makes you look like a bunch of idiots. i dont see any righteous anger. i see valid points and frustration at ignorance

Sleepy said:
Also this is a forum where people discuss and debate issues. If the subject bores you or causes you distress look away. You are not forced to participate in every thread.

is that all you've got? i notice that you choose to ignore all the actual grounded arguments in my post, which makes me question if it was a waste of time writing it when people aren't going to read/understand it. words just fail me on you, they really do. you have no idea what you're talking about, so you resort to telling me to get out of the thread? good one. do you feel all clever now? :rolleyes: i love using that when people thoroughly deserved it.

keep 'em coming. i can go all night like a lumberjack
Sleepy said:
Cos their god is a jeaoulous and angry god. Eg half of the ten commandments quoted way upthread are devoted to pandering to gods ego. There is plenty of written evidence of gods vindicitve and violent nature. By human standards the behaviour is that of a genocidal sociopath.

That's one way of putting it. Most of it is true, but it's down to the spin you put on it.

The other way of looking at it is that God is holy and just, and can not tolerate any sin, but that doesn't go over too well with humanity.
Sic said:
because it isnt your faith. that's why.
That doesn't mean I cant discuss it or express my views
but all i've seen some pretty lame cheap shots coming from you guys, that quite frankly makes you look like a bunch of idiots.
If you have a problem with a poster then you have a problem with that poster and/or their style. It does not invalidate the discussion and judging everyone else by that person is a fallacy I wouldn't expect of you.
is that all you've got? i notice that you choose to ignore all the actual grounded arguments in my post, which makes me question if it was a waste of time writing it when people aren't going to read/understand it.
Cos what you wrote was a mish mash of ad hominims, generalistions and subjective experiences not relevant to your posts point which was to deny the debate.
words just fail me on you, they really do. you have no idea what you're talking about, so you resort to telling me to get out of the thread? good one. do you feel all clever now? :rolleyes: i love using that when people thoroughly deserved it.
Wow calling people names, excellant way to get your point across.
Question our faith all you like, I really don't mind, infact I welcome it!! Its good to have a discussion about something so important
Sleepy said:
That doesn't mean I cant discuss it or express my views

and what are your views exactly? just because you cant prove that religion is right...can you PROVE that it's wrong?

Sleepy said:
If you have a problem with a poster then you have a problem with that poster and/or their style. It does not invalidate the discussion and judging everyone else by that person is a fallacy I wouldn't expect of you.

i have plenty of problems with lots of posters in this thread. and their styles. and it's mainly due to the fact that everyone has their eyes so wide open, and they're so informed. like i said before, you cant show me proof that religion is right OR wrong. so i dont believe either, but i am quite happy to accept views from both sides, which is something that a lot of people need to really think about in this thread.

Sleepy said:
Cos what you wrote was a mish mash of ad hominims, generalistions and subjective experiences not relevant to your posts point which was to deny the debate.

how is that different to any other post in this thread? you must've understood some of it, and found it relevant otherwise this discussion between us wouldn't be happening right now. you know i'm right.
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