Where did the paranormal go?

As for Area 51, it's mostly empty desert. It's the base in the middle of it that's where something is. Even if the USA government did announce that everything was moved out of it in the 1980s, that doesn't mean it was. It's a secret military base, so of course the authorities would lie about it if doing so served their purpose. They officially denied it existed for ages, even though everyone knew it was there.

Indeed, it would be a rather expensive distraction too that case, I don't think there is any need tbh... if you want to test new aircraft technology then having an isolated and well protected airfield that people can't get to seems like a good idea. That people know there is such an airfield doesn't really matter too much, it isn't like they can get particularly close to it and there isn't much official acknowledgement of what goes on there aside from some documents the CIA released about the history of the U2 spy plane and later Oxcart/the Lockheed A12. I mean it is pretty apparent, from what has been officially and unofficially revealed, that the US government tests new aircraft technology there.

Likewise everyone knows where the SIS(MI6) HQ is in London etc.. it doesn't particularly matter as you still don't know what is going on inside it at the moment. I mean they could keep it's location secret but foreign intelligence agencies would find out where it was fairly quickly and so there isn't much point.

Likewise the Russians etc.. likely know the various locations the US tests aircraft so it would seem rather pointless to move an expensive aircraft testing facility just so some UFO fans don't know where it is anymore.
I love the idea of them moving Area 51's contents. let's just pause a moment and consider how many trucks that would take. I can just picture an 18 wheeler w/ a big disc-shaped tarp-covered object on the trailer.
What proof could I possibly give that you lovely people wouldn't find fault in?
Picture of an alien.... Fake
Documents.... Faked.
Interview video with x y z.... He's crazy
My hand on heart story.... He's crazy
Anything, and literally anything I say to someone who is a zipped up perfect society specimen is going to be laughed at and ridiculed, even if I have spoken no word of a lie since I posted on here.
You carry on without me, call me what you want.
I saw this -

1998 experiment[edit]
A larger scale experiment conducted for the BBC television programme Q.E.D. involved a dead pig's body being wrapped in a blanket and placed in a furnished room. The blanket was lit with the aid of a small amount of petrol. The body took some time to ignite and burned at a very high temperature with low flames. The heat collected at the top of the room and melted a television. However, the flames caused very little damage to the surroundings, and the body burned for a number of hours before it was extinguished and examined. On examination it was observed that the flesh and bones in the burnt portion had been destroyed.[4]

I remember watching that episode!
What proof could I possibly give that you lovely people wouldn't find fault in?
Picture of an alien.... Fake
Documents.... Faked.
Interview video with x y z.... He's crazy
My hand on heart story.... He's crazy
Anything, and literally anything I say to someone who is a zipped up perfect society specimen is going to be laughed at and ridiculed, even if I have spoken no word of a lie since I posted on here.
You carry on without me, call me what you want.

Well for a start, you made a specific claim about a rather trivial uncontroversial topic that could be easily backed up if your claim were true... yet you've avoided doing so and evidence has been presented to the contrary. Why is that?

You don't seem to be either able or willing to articulate what exactly it is you're claiming regarding aliens of the paranormal, nor have you actually provided any "hand on heart" story... just waffle about some underground lab and a relative who is a high ranking military officer and who has seemingly told you some unspecified stuff.
Indeed, it would be a rather expensive distraction too that case, I don't think there is any need tbh... if you want to test new aircraft technology then having an isolated and well protected airfield that people can't get to seems like a good idea. That people know there is such an airfield doesn't really matter too much, it isn't like they can get particularly close to it and there isn't much official acknowledgement of what goes on there aside from some documents the CIA released about the history of the U2 spy plane and later Oxcart/the Lockheed A12. I mean it is pretty apparent, from what has been officially and unofficially revealed, that the US government tests new aircraft technology there.

Likewise everyone knows where the SIS(MI6) HQ is in London etc.. it doesn't particularly matter as you still don't know what is going on inside it at the moment. I mean they could keep it's location secret but foreign intelligence agencies would find out where it was fairly quickly and so there isn't much point.

Likewise the Russians etc.. likely know the various locations the US tests aircraft so it would seem rather pointless to move an expensive aircraft testing facility just so some UFO fans don't know where it is anymore.

The USA military has vast amounts of money, so the cost wouldn't be an issue if it was perceived to be useful. Especially not during the cold war era. I'm not saying there never was anything at Groom Lake, that's it's always been a complete fake for distraction. I'm saying that it's possible that it wasn't and isn't the most secret base/military research facility and served as a distraction for that facility while also serving as a secret (but less secret) military research facility. The fact that the USA tests (or tested) new aircraft there doesn't counter that idea. Test flying aircraft can't be completely hidden, so a completely secure but not completely secret area would be required for that.

The alleged reason for the move isn't "just so some UFO fans don't know where it is anymore". The alleged reason for the move is contamination of the site with hazardous materials. A court case was brought about that, with some people who worked at the facility claiming they were suffering and dying as a result of that contamination and illegal operating practices at the base which caused them to be exposed. The case was silenced by a direct order from the president (Bill Clinton - the case started in the mid 90s) forbidding any effective investigation by granting the Groom Lake base an exemption from the law. Every president since has reissued that order. The people had been exposed to some hazardous materials - that was confirmed by medical records and testing of their bodies. Bodies in both senses of the word, since some of them died. Some hazardous materials remain in the body and can be detected. Something happened at the facility. Some people were exposed to hazardous materials. Perhaps the facility itself is contaminated and that resulted in the moving of some things to some other place(s).
They are all connected underground

What are? How did those underground tunnels survive the numerous underground nuclear explosions in the area? How far are you claiming this network of underground tunnels big enough to accomodate massive 18-wheel lorries in stretches? Just between nearby military facilities in that part of Nevada? The whole of the USA?
What proof could I possibly give that you lovely people wouldn't find fault in?
Picture of an alien.... Fake
Documents.... Faked.
Interview video with x y z.... He's crazy
My hand on heart story.... He's crazy
Anything, and literally anything I say to someone who is a zipped up perfect society specimen is going to be laughed at and ridiculed, even if I have spoken no word of a lie since I posted on here.
You carry on without me, call me what you want.
Go on, give us a picture of an alien. Or a couple pictures. And we'll all agree not to laugh at you. But we might conclude they're fakes - can't go into something agreeing to believe in it before you see it!

But yeah, a couple alien selfies would round off the day nicely.
When I was a kid there used to be ghost stories on the TV on Christmas Eve. I haven't seen that for years.
how long did it take to dig all those tunnels? how many people did they hire to dig them? how come no one else has mentioned them? where did all the dug-out earth go?
The alleged reason for the move isn't "just so some UFO fans don't know where it is anymore". The alleged reason for the move is contamination of the site with hazardous materials. A court case was brought about that, with some people who worked at the facility claiming they were suffering and dying as a result of that contamination and illegal operating practices at the base which caused them to be exposed. The case was silenced by a direct order from the president (Bill Clinton - the case started in the mid 90s) forbidding any effective investigation by granting the Groom Lake base an exemption from the law. Every president since has reissued that order.

Do you have any details of that allegation (I don't mean the court case but the claims about the facility being moved and indeed what exactly is being claimed to have been moved and indeed where to) - the other poster didn't mention any basis for his claims and he seems more like a UFO type?

I mean if anything that seems like a reason not to move anything, since it is the only place in the US covered by that restriction, if anything if they weren't protected by the restriction then a coverup might be attempted or indeed just cease the practice of open pit burning re: those materials. That was related to the F117 program, there seems to be evidence of the base being used after that for the likes of the B2 program etc... and it is seemingly still used today so it isn't clear what exactly is supposed to have been moved in the first place? (Some chemicals from a discontinued fighter jet program that has since been superseded by the F22 and in turn potentially the F35. Possibly but some hazardous chemicals being moved != "Area 51 has moved").

They did slip up and publish details on an airforce website re: these chemicals:

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