Where is the first floor?

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GD always delivers

muricans love mars bars, which is why it is incomprehensible to have 0 mars bars. This by default is why 'ground floor' simply does not exist. It's first floor!

plus, how many OCUKers say MOM not MUM
ask someone next to you to count to ten

Do they start with 1 or 0?

They start 1, therefore when you walk into a building you are on the 1st floor

or....walk into a shop and ask for three mars bars. Does the assistant hand over 3 or 4 mars bars?


You are wrong, sir.

You start at 0, of course.
depends, if the lift is broken I will use the stairs but if the stairs are broken I will use the lift or maybe if I dont like confined spaces I will use the stairs.
I've stupidly got into elevators with suitcases in USA hotels and pressed the 1 button and wondered why nothing happened.
GD always delivers

muricans love mars bars, which is why it is incomprehensible to have 0 mars bars. This by default is why 'ground floor' simply does not exist. It's first floor!

plus, how many OCUKers say MOM not MUM

Where in the UK do people say MOM? I actually use MAM myself, find MOM weird...
Stairs as using a lift to go up one level is incredibly lazy.

Those funny transatlantic chaps call the ground floor, the first floor.

Because it is the first floor you reach when entering the house/building. Really the Americans have a much more logical numbers system here.

see, everyone knows you eat breakfast on the 'bottom / first / ground level'
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