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Is it really? Who suggested physically forcing people to stay together?This is entirely about forcing people to stay together when they don't want to do so. Diversions about what people think when they get married are irrelevant.
Finga, that post shows how you didn't read entirely what I said.
- Selfish and only thing about my own feelings? My GF also does not want to get married either.
How can I be selfish when I make this known in a relationship and why is it selfish to not want to get married? Why isn't it selfish for the person wanting to get married.
You know, it goes both ways or didn't you think of that?
- Lucky to have any women stay with me? How dare you assume every single women on planet earth wants to get married.
- I'd also like to know how you know my GF wants to marry and how I "crushed" her hopes. Again assuming she does?
Do you know her?
I'm asking for an apology, I tried to keep it mature in my last post.
Dangerstat If you read this, finga, the person above is the kind of person I was trying to mention to you, the kind of people who don't understand everyones different and if you don't do what they do, you're all kinds of "wrong".
Is it really? Who suggested physically forcing people to stay together?
People who wouldn't allow them to separate.
Who has said they wouldn't allow a married couple to separate?
Where would be a good romantic place to propose? Describe it!
Ta v much.
Clearly that's not what people are saying. It is said that a dog is for life (not just for Christmas ), but nobody would force someone to keep a dog if they decided they do not want it. Just because people state that when you get married your intention should be for it to last a life time it does not mean that we want to force warring parties to stay together.By default, everyone who has said that marriage is for life.
Of course, nobody is suggesting otherwise.Would you allow a married couple to separate?
On one knee you mean
In Russia Traditions, the guy has to get on both needs (like begging) to get permission to marry her daughter!
I'm sure her mother will not expect this from me......
A nice restuarant?