Which MMO is everyone looking forward to

Lost all interest in MMO`s tbh.

Mainly because DEVS cant keep up with high end content and add a little too much grind and it ends up being a full time job due to the silly timers.

Oh and worst of all Free 2 play which kills all community spirit and the PVP crowd start moaning about it all.
Camelot easily for me.

DAoC is easily my best game ever, fantastic memories and friends made, no mmo has come close since imo.
Camelot Unchained. I need something pvp focused. None of this boring pve rubbish!

My favourite mmo to date is Ultima Online. I want to loot, pillage and plunder!

Although I am not holding my breath. I've played a variety of "pvp focused" mmos over the past few years and they've fallen short.
Thing about MMOs is to get most out of them in terms of experience you really have to immerse yourself in it - which means make it your second life (if not primarily living in it). That was cool when I was 13-14 and growing up for a couple of years but now... Not so much. So I can't say I can blame the MMOs and their direction/evolution etc, as much as it's just a change in life circumstances which make them all seem unappealing.

Don't see it changing much until VR really takes over and maybe we become brains-in-a-vat ala a matrix pod or something.
I have a lotro lifetime account and never use it, I don't really game much now :(

But: Camelot Unchained - DoaC days :P if i could
It's pre-CU, a few of the classes have a few issues but it's pretty much all there. Usually around 1k people playing? (obviously US prime time is when it's most populated) but yeah, it's SWG from release, warts and all :D

do i really need to but the game again, theyre going for like £40 second hand :eek:
None - sadly modern MMO type games seem to not understand what made the older ones attractive - often lots of style over substance or mechanics that are either artificially overly complex to try and make it look like some skill is involved or just clunky. (EDIT: That or the community is incredibly toxic).

Have to say I've been missing City of Heroes quite a lot lately for some reason - no other game seems to fill that slot quite.

City of Heroes was the last MMO I played with any degree of commitment - must be about 5 years ago or more. Really loved that game and the community was awesome. Not sure I could go back to it now, though.
City of Heroes was the last MMO I played with any degree of commitment - must be about 5 years ago or more. Really loved that game and the community was awesome. Not sure I could go back to it now, though.

Can't go back to it anyhow as servers are long gone :( while there is quite a lot of not very exciting content I'd still like the overall experience and the very last patch rather pointlessly added a load of upto date graphics (fully implemented the real time shadows that they'd started to develop, ambient occlusion, water with reflection/refraction, etc.) right before they pulled it :(
Camelot for me. MMOs lost their shine when the player base moved from enjoying the stories and atmosphere of the whole game, taking time to level up with each level a challenge with it's own areas, lore and stories to only wanting to focus on doing the same high end raids over and over and over... <snore>.

The was a lot of MMOs are played these days you might as well take away the levelling system and start at level 50 (or whatever) as people just seem to just try to rush through quests and areas as fast as possible so they can play the "real game" raiding at the top level.

I kinda miss the days of actually reading quests and enjoying the journey rather than just sweeping up as many quests in an area as possible without even reading the back story.

Just one of those evolutions of game play I suppose but a bit of a shame for me, I enjoyed getting to know people and the story, can't imagine anything worse than doing the same content repeatedly to a formula over and over :(
I've been in Camelot Unchained since early alpha (huge fan of Daoc, 2nd favourite MMO of the last 20 years) , I really wish that I could say it was the MMO I was looking forward to. But sadly, I really cannot see it being much good or recapture Daoc :(
Camelot for me. MMOs lost their shine when the player base moved from enjoying the stories and atmosphere of the whole game, taking time to level up with each level a challenge with it's own areas, lore and stories to only wanting to focus on doing the same high end raids over and over and over... <snore>.

The was a lot of MMOs are played these days you might as well take away the levelling system and start at level 50 (or whatever) as people just seem to just try to rush through quests and areas as fast as possible so they can play the "real game" raiding at the top level.

I kinda miss the days of actually reading quests and enjoying the journey rather than just sweeping up as many quests in an area as possible without even reading the back story.

Just one of those evolutions of game play I suppose but a bit of a shame for me, I enjoyed getting to know people and the story, can't imagine anything worse than doing the same content repeatedly to a formula over and over :(

This is the province of the single player RPG these days.
The only two things for me are further expansions to guild wars 2, and Star Citizen once it hits 3.0

Guild Wars 2 is still fun to play despite certain balance issues and power creep, and the next expansion will bring new elite specs which should help with build diversity. As a Mesmer I'm really bored with chrono shatter spam right now...

And I'm intending to actively play star citizen once 3.0-3.3 are released (ie new roles and mechanics introduced, flyable Carrack and planetary exploration).

Hopefully both those things (gw2 expansion and SC 3.x releases will hit before the end of 2017) so I look forward to that.
Can't go back to it anyhow as servers are long gone :( while there is quite a lot of not very exciting content I'd still like the overall experience and the very last patch rather pointlessly added a load of upto date graphics (fully implemented the real time shadows that they'd started to develop, ambient occlusion, water with reflection/refraction, etc.) right before they pulled it :(

Jesus, I didn't realise how long ago this game came out. I was playing it in Beta. Where has all the time gone!?

I tried going back to it when it went F2P but it just wasn't the same without my old SuperGroup. I think it was a very well done MMO in all honesty, good balance and great fun.

Far too many late nights spent on that. I miss my toons - might have to see if I still have pictures. I was playing on Union with Last Line of Defence and also with my then-girlfriend. If I could find another MMO that was as much fun with a similar community, I'd consider giving it a go. :)
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