BoomAM said:
Naive? No, not at all.
I can simply recongise that theres more to them than that.
You are obviously bias against iPods, but whatever it is, the fact that your discounting all the valid, and true points, and just grasping at the one critisism, shows that bias quite well.
If you cant accept that one of the key features of iPods that makes them good, thats partially responsible for their success, is the ease of use that eclipses all other players at the moment, then i see no point in continuing futher with you.
i have no great bias against ipods
that just shows how far you are willing to go to prove a point. if ipod's looked like any other player how many people would buy them? i can't critisize any aspect of them apart from being over priced, some models scratch too easily, some models have apauling sound....ok maybe thats a few (key) aspects that can easily be critisized.
The fact is, you are willing to ignore everything ive said because of your one valid point. battery life, sound quality, build quality, the screen...all of that. apple's success lies predominantly its its marketing. who else could a company charge so much for its products (imac, macbook pro, ipod) and sell them as well? (and dont even try to suggest i have a bias against apple, i wouldnt be looking at said macbook pro if i did)
I have no bios towards any companies. frankly you, BoomAM, should know that by now. if you dont see any need to carry on a conversation then thats fine. its no real lose to me. i tell it as it is from my own experiance. *** brand loyalty as they say - it does nothing for us customers and they only want our money. I don't buy into that, i gbuy to get the best for my money.
just grasping at the one critisism, shows that bias quite well
as i said, you ignored everything else i said. battery life, sound quality, price, build quality, codec support. they are all things that other players do better and in the case of my d2 and an ipod nano, the d2 does it ALL better. one critisism?