You should think about this statement, not everyone who chooses PS4 is "smart" and by extension Xbox "dumb". People choices and requirements vary.They are forcing it on the Xbox One, is what I mean. Not on people, smart people will obviously choose not to be forced to use it and instead use the PS4.
For me, my main gaming platform is PC so amongst other things the Steam model of digital downloads is fine by me, I'm used to it. I also quite like the benefits digital brings me, and, as I've said elsewhere I'm not just after a "pure" gaming console that has all the same games as the last one but with slightly better graphics.
For me I like the innovation and possibilities Xbox one has, in particular as the platform matures. Others will be pure console gaming fans and want to make a stand against digital type DRM.
We really need to get past this "My chosen console is the most amazing thing since the world began and anyone who buys the other one is an idiot" thing just like we could do with getting past the absolutes of MS is the debil and Sony is the saviour of gamers.
You get a lot of push back here because people continue to try and persuade anyone who posts anything positive about the Xbox one that they are wrong and must accept that PS4 is better.
I'm yet to see much from people who are buying Xbox One slating PS4 and trying to persuade people that are buying it that they are wrong. Of course people are defending their decisions and trying to put some positives across. It's hard to have any kind of sensible conversation though where as soon as you post anything remotely level headed or positive about Xbox a rabid few poster descend on the post to pick it apart and try to show everyone the OP is somehow deluded.
I'm happy with my choice and I think the quote I posted from reddit a couple of pages back is the most level headed summary I've seen yet. Just chill a little and just accept that whatever way you look at it we have two awesome consoles coming to market with some great games and just smile.