Only three council results in so far, how long do they normally take?
Usually very slow compared to a general election, I don't know why.
Only three council results in so far, how long do they normally take?
It does cut away to a different camera when he says how "at this rate the whole house of commons will be Muslim", or words to that effect... but I'd say from his facial expression it's pretty evident that is a joke...
Hi there,
It does cut away to a different camera when he says how "at this rate the whole house of commons will be Muslim", or words to that effect... but I'd say from his facial expression it's pretty evident that is a joke...
He hopes we think so, no doubtHe mentioned journalists because he knew how this would play with the British public. This should have been all over the news.
He hopes we think so, no doubtHe mentioned journalists because he knew how this would play with the British public. This should have been all over the news.
Hi there,
Interesting speech by a Labour minister who is a Muslim.
20 MPs out of over 600. That's around three per cent! They're going to be forming a government next...
Hi there,
The expression "clutching at straws" comes to mind...
Yes... they're the enemy within, I suppose?
There's no need to start insulting dirtydog.
You're putting two completely different things together :\. Yes, his expenses claims were excessive from what I've read... but there's nothing wrong with what he said in that Youtube video... criticise him for the expenses issue, but it's silly to say what you are about the video. Meh.
Hi there,
Talk about copying someone else's repeating post style..
Hi there
Hi there
Hi there
Are BNP voters as disgraced with our open minded opinions as we are with your closed minded ones?