Who are you voting for on Thursday?

It does cut away to a different camera when he says how "at this rate the whole house of commons will be Muslim", or words to that effect... but I'd say from his facial expression it's pretty evident that is a joke...

He hopes we think so, no doubt :) He mentioned journalists because he knew how this would play with the British public. This should have been all over the news.
Hi there,
It does cut away to a different camera when he says how "at this rate the whole house of commons will be Muslim", or words to that effect... but I'd say from his facial expression it's pretty evident that is a joke...


Maybe someone should say " at this rate the whole house of commons will be bnp " swap the rest with bnp and see if the results are the same , ahh doesn't matter im sure it was just a joke ;)
He hopes we think so, no doubt :) He mentioned journalists because he knew how this would play with the British public. This should have been all over the news.

If it'd have been the other way around, I have no doubt it would have. BTW according to my brother (I'm waiting for a source) that particular Muslim minister rakes in more expenses year after year than any other similar MP.

EDIT: Source for the above. He refused to pay it back too. I don't give a **** what the liberals say. I find it disgusting tbh.
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That's not how he said it though, is it? "Inshallah" I'd have personally removed him from office for that ****-stirring remark. It was a typically cocky, arrogant comment made in an inflammatory context.
Interesting speech by a Labour minister who is a Muslim.

A man sharing a joke with his audience. How dare he! The entire speech there is clearly designed to incite racial hatred and cause a holy war. The entire muslim population is going to overthrow the rest of us. 20 MPs out of over 600. That's around three per cent! They're going to be forming a government next...

:rolleyes: The reason that speech has had no coverage is the simple fact that there was nothing to the remark - a simple joke. I found it mildly amusing. The rest of it was fine - 3% of the population wanting representation in 3% of the seats in parliament... I fail to see the problem.

Edit: beaten to the punch by Moses99p
Hi there,

The expression "clutching at straws" comes to mind...

Yes... they're the enemy within, I suppose?

Any MP who racks up expenses like that, all the while saying he took what he could so why should he pay it back... and carrying on to make inciting comments shown in that video? Too bloody right that's an enemy within; dare I bastardise an old quote and call them a cancer in democratic government? Yes, I do.
There's no need to start insulting dirtydog ;).

har har, you made a funny. ;)

You're putting two completely different things together :\. Yes, his expenses claims were excessive from what I've read... but there's nothing wrong with what he said in that Youtube video... criticise him for the expenses issue, but it's silly to say what you are about the video. Meh.

Different things, yes, but when you have one MP doing both those things? I don't particular care if you see nothing wrong in that video. I do. The fact he felt the need to follow it up with some justification to "any journalists" shows he was fully aware how inciting his comments would be perceived. Scum tbh.
Are BNP voters as disgraced with our open minded opinions as we are with your closed minded ones?

Bit random? But whatever. I'll let the BNP voters answer that, as I didn't vote BNP. That doesn't mean I'm not "allowed" to be ****** off with some mick-taking minister though, so I don't really see what relevance that has to the BNP.
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