Local: Lib Dem
- Locally, Conservatives always seem to win. I'm happy with Conservatives winning the next General Election - which I think they will regardless of my vote - but I'm extremely unhappy locally so I'm throwing my vote towards a more 'social' party, which at the very least is a protest vote.
MEP: Conservatives
- I would push for Green as I am very pro-environment (yes, GW is happening, etc.) but at the same time, the EU has been managing just fine on the information from the IPCC so it seems a bit fool-hardy to have a smaller party rush into things, especially when all things considered the UK is doing its part (although arguabley it could do more). I think 'green' issues will be addressed inevitabley with recent political moves globally. So, I will vote Conservative for Europe, based on the fact that I think a less fascist/totalitarian (which are what Labour were slowly becoming), and more 'neo-liberal' (see economics) party would be best within Europe at this particular moment in time.
Oh, and for those people who think the EU aren't doing good things: visit Ireland (namely the area surrounding Galway).
All those lovely new yellow houses are courtesy of the EU. Within five years Ireland was developed into a top-tier country from its border-line destitution. IIRC, within the UK, areas such as the S.W. have been designated areas also in need of such developmental aid.
Indeed, within the UK itself - keep and eye out for those little EU plaques; you'll be surprised just how many are about.
Now, I will conceed a small point here which may surprise some, but it is important that is taken correctly and not misunderstood: I am a social-liberalist, but I also understand the importance of economical policies - I just don't think they should ever (if it can be helped) be at the expense of people.
Anyway, that being said, I really am not a racist, but like others I do get annoyed when I see people taking the **** in this country. I empathise completely with their situation and in fact happily open the doors and will help them where they can - but the fact remains, there are many people (regardless of colour really, but it does tend to be newly acquired citizens who are the problem) who will not help themselves and in fact, do not give a crap about the country.
Now, I watch the news and when I see the knife crime statistics - it is predominately black. However, that doesn't mean I think blacks should be 'removed', rather I think that they happen to be an unfortunate demographic who need help in changing their attitudes and circumstances. Anyway, this is only partially relevent to my earlier point I was making:
There are some people in this country that have no intention of integration, and you can easily see areas in London for example where the infrastructure and society has literally been destroyed because people simply don't care anymore. It is these people, through their own ignorance and choices who need addressing. It is not down to skin colour, it's down to their actions. It pities me when I see people jumping for joy that a foreigner was deported for breaking X crime as they generally have labelled all foreigners as criminals which quite clearly isn't the case. However, the point still remains: there are people here (remove the issue that some people may have to resort to crime to get by) who don't care and are damaging society.
In this vein, the protest votes for fringe parties are a good thing as hopefully those in charge will stop pussy-footing around racial issues and actually deal directly with these problems. London used to be a great city. I personally think it is nothing short of a giant ****-hole now. I'm all for having a multi-cultural society, but feeling like I'm about to be set-upon for walking through an ethnic division is seriously wrong. Now, London could easily be falling apart simply due to the incredible numbers of people living there and the disassociation it causes, but the ethnic divisions certainly are not helping the situation.
I don't think these people should be removed, but they need to be integrated.
As a 'white' I don't believe I have any more right to this country then anyone else, but I do get annoyed when things come at my expense - in that, I hate seeing my society in pain. I'm happy to help if I can, but I don't want people taking the **** - and this I think, is the thin line that many people are trying to walk.
Voting for the BNP will only create more problems; if they get into power, then God help us all - I'll voluntarily become diaspora over night - as history has a habit of repeating itself, and I'm not staying here. Even if they don't get into power, a rise in the seats of a racist party/demographic will only hamper and strengthen the stupidly detrimental PC pussy-footing that stops anyone from actually sorting out the problems.
Our 'culture' prior to the influx of foreigners wasn't as great as you think, and in reality it was built off the back of these people. However, the fact remains that we've created a liberal, 'modern' society and the damage that 'backwards' people (this is more to do with stupid ideologies then race) are doing is something I want to avoid as I'm petrified that one day our society will turn into a heartless, souless mess completely upon where it will inevitabley implode. Then what will we have? What will be the point on standing on all these shoulders of giants past if ignorance can destroy everything within a few generations?
In game-theory, good deeds will ultimately win out, but only if the numbers increase enough and the people are not naive. Those who take the **** will also win the begin with as it is the easiest way, but they ultimately lose when the altruistic wise up to their games.
Altruism will utlimately win so long as it's not naive and cuts off selfish people before they run amok. However, that said, selfishness always wins to begin with at the expense of altruistic individuals.
My point in this? Don't sell your soul - remember your humanity, but don't be an idiot either. There is a very, very fine line between caring for your community/society and bigotted racism, so make sure you're on the right side. We have managed as a society to come so far, compared to the idiotic fence-builders of the past, but we are naive if we think that those cultures who haven't yet reached this plateau aren't going to pull us backwards unless we are wary of it.
Anyway, I hope this makes sense as it is slightly philosophically, economically and socially loaded, and I'm guessing some may not get where I'm coming from. I don't think any 'drastic' revolution needs to take place, we just need to cut through the crap and start addressing what clearly needs fixing before parts of our society get much worse, isolated, and damaging.
There are clearly people here who don't give a monkeys about the country and their either need re-educating and rehabilitating, or they need to be shown the door. This goes for the whole spectrum of race, creed and colour.
The ideal here is the key, but please remember: the ends do not always justify the means, especially where people are concerned.