Who else hates this guy (Gregg Wallace)?

TBH I think Gregg had it right the first time, although he could have phrased it better. The Elephant in the room there is that he is 100% factually correct (Small number of middleclass women of a certain age), and it would have been very offensive to those he aimed it at (middleclass women hate being called middleclass and more than that, think you should never mention their age).

"Equality doesn't mean treating everyone the same, it means giving everyone the opportunity to succeed by understanding their differences and taking steps to level the playing field."

So why do the BBC, and other organisations, prefer to implement positive discrimination instead then?

This is all very good publicity for the minority groups involved, and the only casualties appear to be common sense and the ability to get things into proportion.
Jeez. So all the hate for him is because some middle class women of a certain age don’t like being called so?

It was a small group of middle class women of a certain age, because those are the type of women who have the education and confidence to call out bad behaviour. If you are an uneducated and not a middle class women, any complaint you make is very unlikely to be taken seriously
hard to know if its just old school humour, albeit immature schoolboy stuff.

or an actual creep trying to use humour as an excuse to be inappropriate

It's weird either way, not many people his age have "carry on/on the buses" style humour, seems way old fashioned even to people above 50 surely

And I'm sure hes aware it makes people uncomfortable.

Maybe with friends you can pull it off, but not work colleagues
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"So all the hate for him is because some middle class women of a certain age don’t like being called so?"
That's not what I said. I said he was 100% factually correct and that no one appears to have found that worth reporting, except as the 'oh my' variety. As far as I see it the 'investigation' by the production company is still ongoing, but the media has made it's mind up and his career is now over, so no matter the facts, the cancel culture wins again. Even the reposted many times 'Tart' video is being totally misrepresented. The 'soggy bottom' judgement is actually a Mary Berry quote. It's also 10 years ago, and the contestant has not and did not make representations. This is a more modern media witch hunt, something the BBC (AKA License fee payers) has paid for dearly previously. For the record I'm no fan of Gregg, or his gurning, but I can see a stitch up from miles off.
Blokes a knob.
He and Torode grew into playing characters in that show and like many male celebs they start to believe their own hype and think they can get away with anything. The BBC unfortunately has form for this sort of thing.
Watching him right now and am not influenced by the mass hysteria from the quality press the UK suffers with, but am expecting him to say something really really rude soon.
I've looked around the news after your reply to me because I wondered if there was something I had missed. But apart from telling an inappropriate story in front of multiple women, using sexual innuendo, and maybe standing too close to women that made them feel uncomfortable, I haven't seen anything else.

As I posted previous he's been the victim of child abuse at a young age by a man. Some people who go through that experience go through life with distorted boundaries.

While it’s awful if that is the case, these people need help and guidance to ensure they behave appropriately and not excused because of trauma they have suffered.
If you watch in the factory you always wait for him to say something crass, demeaning the (little) people who work there,
christmas cooking episode is no loss LOL dancers from strictly - bbc must have realised that was kryptonite.
Don't know if this is in this thread already but there's new allegations elevating it from innuendo to physical touching.

I have definitely never pressed my crotch against a woman's bottom without invitation.

The next debate should be why it's ok in a pub or bar, but not in the workplace. I'm sure half my scores at uni came from doing this, and they didn't mind at the time.

Rod Stewart chiming in is just hilarious. Imagine some of the things he's done to women in his life.

Also, women grab arse on nights out all the time. Should I call a newspaper about every girl that ever grabbed my arse (about three probably but still).
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There is a lack of due process in this public name and shaming. It is not right.

There are two sides of the story and so far we only heard vague details from one side and the other side is now effectively judged and sentenced.

What the hell is going on with our society. We are literally marching backwards.
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