Who have you got on your ignore list?

Raymond Lin said:
They bothered you enough in the first place for you to take that action.
Yup. As I said earlier, I've seen some remarks that, in my opinion, are plain ignorant and insulting gross generalisations. I have more respect for my own time than to wish to waste it reading further comments from people that make those types of remarks. It doesn't wind me up. I can't can't be bothered with people that say such things.
Sequoia said:
Yup. As I said earlier, I've seen some remarks that, in my opinion, are plain ignorant and insulting gross generalisations. I have more respect for my own time than to wish to waste it reading further comments from people that make those types of remarks. It doesn't wind me up. I can't can't be bothered with people that say such things.

I totally understand that reasoning. Personally, i realise some people just are ignorant or stupid, whatever nad traits they have. But at the end of the day, if i don't like them or agree with them, so be it, let it go.
Raymond Lin said:
I totally understand that reasoning. Personally, i realise some people just are ignorant or stupid, whatever nad traits they have. But at the end of the day, if i don't like them or agree with them, so be it, let it go.
Agreed. But I find the easiest way to let it go is to "ignore" them, so I don't have to see any reoccurrence. After all, the vast bulk of members here aren't on my ignore list. Why waste my time on the handful that are?
I had a few for ages and eventually forgot why. I removed them but it wasn't too long before I remembered why I had put them on in the first place and put them back on.
cleanbluesky said:
I dont think it works that way, I think GD is 85% tripe with crap like posters encouraging others to spread mustard on their face and asking what each others favourite number under ten is, and the other forums are less-frequented but full of specific and useful knowledge...

I know what you mean. I visit GD for light relief and to laugh at (and occasionally participate in) some of the ridiculously inane threads and go to one of the other forums if I want to learn something useful or SC if I feel like having a bit of a debate (haven't been there for a while as I haven't had enough time to dedicate to a decent dbate due to work).

What I meant is that some people are genuinely ignorant and stupid and don't realise it and they spout utter tosh in every forum they contribute to.

Take for example the guy I sometimes ignore.

I first encountered him in GD in the early hours of the morning one weekend and had a serious falling out with him (I seem to recall he wanted me to "die in the face" or something like that) I presumed he was drunk and talking crap at the time and thought no more of it.

I saw him post again a few days later and thought I'd see what he was like sober. Unfortunately he was spouting crap again so I stuck him on ignore.

A while later I saw that he had started a thread in SC so I thought that perhaps he may have something interesting to say so I un-ignored him (made up word) and read his thread - It was utter drivel - the rantings of a juvenile mind and he was soundly flamed by most of the SC regulars.
He was quickly re-ignored.

IIRC he was suspended or banned shortly after that.

I have since seen him post in some of the other sections of the forums and he is still a numpty.

I have him un-ignored at the moment as I haven't seen him post much lately but if I read any of his posts and it is of the same standard as his previous contributions he will be on my permaignore list.

My point is that there are, sadly, some people who genuinely have nothing positive or interesting to say and I have no intention wasting my time reading their nonsense.

Stan :)
VIRII said:
If you're aiming that at me then just say VIRII :)

Lol, Nah i dont think Raz was talking about you, i dont wanna go into name calling man, there's enough drama as it is already. :)
cleanbluesky said:
Say it, I want to hear you say my name, *****... :p

CBS relax man, you are going too deep and you are hurting me! Now i have to lube you again. :D

Seriously i dont think is you either. Maybe you should ask raz.
Raymond Lin said:
None, i don't see the point and i am not going to block someone because i don't like the way they behave or the way they think. I am sitting in front of my comptuer after all a miles away from any of the members. If i am offended by them, then its time i need to see a therapist about it. People should relax, its a forum, why get so wound up about it, why let others bother you?
Agreed. I was always taught that it's rude to ignore people, so there's no-one on my ignore list - I may well be on other people's though. :p :)
cleanbluesky said:
Say it, I want to hear you say my name, *****... :p


I have about six people on my ignore list.

Mostly so I dont have to read god damn "nuke from orbit with mustard " replies all the time. And others such as that confused/crazy girl that has currently got a thread about what Knickers to wear. :confused:
Dried Graze said:
I had a few for ages and eventually forgot why. I removed them but it wasn't too long before I remembered why I had put them on in the first place and put them back on.
I did that once before on another board. It wasn't long before I was reminded why I'd added them in the first place, and they went back on. Nowadays, once on the list, it's very unlikely anyone will come off it.
Just out of interest neon are you actively trying to get on more peoples ignore lists, everything you've posted in this thread so far has just irritated me :confsued:
I think the ignore list is a bit silly like dmpoole suggests, however i realise that it may be a good thing to have for people's preferences and to stop threads derailing for petty arguements.

There are a few people who wind me up on here through their stupid unjustified opinions, poor posting ettiquette or narrow minded beliefs particulalry regarding homophobia and racism (one person in particular). But i would never ignore them.

The way I see it is that i meet and work with these kind of idiots every day and I can't turn them off when they are in proximity of me - so why do it here? Also I agree with dmpoole when he says that wisdom can be gained from these types of people.

If nothing else, their pathetic behaviour can only serve to make myself and others better people by reflection.
LeperousDust said:
Just out of interest neon are you actively trying to get on more peoples ignore lists, everything you've posted in this thread so far has just irritated me :confsued:

the end of the day no im not, its probably just the way i am, and i cant help it, if i come across a bit annoying then im sorry. people can ignore me if they like but its just my character, theres people who irritate me, but i dont get mad.
Neon is a little emo <3 child :D

Only joking, i don't see the point in ignoring people if u think what somebody is saying is rubbish then just stop reading it, hardly that bigger deal :p
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