Who have you got on your ignore list?

to bigstan, it's paulgraydon.co.uk that kills my router...don't ask my why, ask netgear. It's only 3 months old, and has done it since day one, but ive been too busy to RMA it :(

dmpoole said:
I can back him up on that because I lived with Nigerians for years.

El Razur does not need to apologise for his opinions and we have no right to force him to like gays or get him to appreciate what they do in their bedrooms.
We are all different and thats what makes the world.
Lets please stop this little bickering at him over is homophobia because its his right to be homophobic.

Excuse me, did I or did I not just say this

Everyone should be proud of their opinions, if they aren't they shouldn't be their opinions.

His entitled to his opinion and you to yours, I'm not attacking him, he has started the debate, if anything I was defending him :confused:

cleanbluesky said:
But there are even more than that who think it is okay, and just because a lot of people think something doesn't mean its 'right'...

There are more people in the 3rd world that think it is wrong than than those in the entire 1st world combined who think it is right.
Why is everyone not putting into consideration that i said i wont attack none, call them names but will avoid them if i can. I think i am moderatly homophobic. :)
even though i dont agree with him, i support his right to say what he likes (read my above quote and MBs same [more correct] quote)

However, i still believe that we are right to argue and try to dissuade him from his views, or try to argue our point of view... Doing nothing would be far worse..

A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.

Just as iron rusts from disuse, even so does inaction spoil the intellect.

Oh and, i personally, think its wrong to believe everything imposed on your by your peers. I would rather question everything come to my own conclusions than to say, its what everyone else does, group mentalitiy and such a strong dogma is bad imo
It's not about ignoring someone because of their views, beliefs or their life philosophy. I personally don't agree with the idea of homosexuality, but wouldn't 'ignore' those members who agree with it or are homosexual.

It does however depend on the character of the poster. VIRII would be a good example - like I said at one point I did consider ignoring him, but that would have been because of opposing views, rather than him being rude, arrogant etc.
Ok Neon,

I have just got back from the pub with hedge, so if my grammar or spelling is incorrect then so be it.

But they're a few reasons why you of all people are on my ignore list, I find your posts trollish and condicending on so many levels. a lot of the time you seem to think that you are better than other people on these forums.

As for slagging you off to hedge I am not that petty, unlike you as I remember slagging me off to Mohinder.

As for your petty trolling issues, this will be the last time I respond or post, commenting on your behaviour.

And I would appreciate if you just add me to your ignore list and stay away from any threads I start.

Neon said:
Erm, guys no offense but back on topic me thinks to:

Whos on your ignore list!?


Perfect example.

If everyone replied posting an exact answer to the OP, then what's the point of a discussion board exactly?

If that was the case your incredibly lazy William Wallace thread should have been closed the minute I posted.

You won't be going on my ignore list, but I do not hold much respect for you as a poster on this forum.
I'm glad I've seen that I'm not on anyones ignore list... yet ;)

For the likes of Sequoia, I would very much prefer if you took me up on any reason why you feel the need to ignore me, if, and I hope it doesn't - the situation should arise.

As for me, I have no-one on my ignore list as I don't feel the need. Only one person ever came close, but it was temporary as to restrain myself from arguing with the person.

I tend to find that if I don't like what someone's posted I either ignore it (in my mind) or reply and question it.

There are a few people, who shall remain nameless, whom I feel I should ignore due to their general attitude towards me. But, at the end of the day, I rise above it and know I'm a better person than them for it.
Nix said:
I'm glad I've seen that I'm not on anyones ignore list... yet ;)
Same here. :)

There was one person I chose to ignore a few years back. He was just here to bash Americans - even on topics that had nothing to do with anything international. I ignored him for a few days, then got curious and permitted myself to read his posts again. I don't remember his name, but he didn't last long. He was banned within a couple weeks of joining.
No one on my ignore list (although 1 poster almost made it but was banned thankfully)

I do have a mental ignore list though. Of threads, especially relationship/girl threads, they are (IMO of course) utterly pathetic and generally make me want to shake the OP's by the scruff of the neck and tell them to get a backbone ffs. Since that probably wouldn't be appreciated I 'ignore' threads like that :p

Ooops forgot about this thread, went down the pub instead :o

Nice posts Sequoia, im glad we got that sorted now dont do it again ;)

Im also glad it was discussed in an adult manner without the need for an e-argument :)
After reading this thread I've become inspired to start an ignore list, it seems like a good idea. But didn't there used to be an ignore button at the bottom of people's posts, or am I imagining that?

(I know you can add them manually but it would've been more convenient)
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dirtydog said:
After reading this thread I've become inspired to start an ignore list, it seems like a good idea. But didn't there used to be an ignore button at the bottom of people's posts, or am I imagining that?

(I know you can add them manually but it would've been more convenient)
Yep there did, disappeared with the vBulletin upgrade.
I've managed to update my ignore list as a result of this thread. Hurrah!

I feel that this thread has an undercurrent or resentment and bitterness, though. Perhaps someone should make a thread of love to counteract it.
I'm far too nosey to have an ignore list. Plus no one really cheeses me off that much. There's one or two that make me splutter with disbelief at what they post, and I sometimes tend to wade in post before I think so I may well be on a couple of lists (I can think of 1 I'm pretty sure I'm on), but its just words on a screen. You all have an off button! :)
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