That looks great. The st3 has all the right equipment now. I am tempted to look into them again. What kinda deal have you got on it?
Armed Forces discount and tax free as I'm based over in Germany.
£13.8k - ST3 + molten orange + style pack.
My godthe love needs sharing
Armed Forces discount and tax free as I'm based over in Germany.
£13.8k - ST3 + molten orange + style pack.
Ah man. I was gonna use forces discount cars but I'm based in the UK so won't see such discounts. Is that paid outright or monthly?
I wouldn't mind an st3 if I could get one at similar price to them st2 ones mentioned earlier in thread. 210 a month is doable. But I'd want a balloon payment under 8k if possible.
Might email them and enquire
11.7% is madness.
Feel so bad, I put a tiny scuff on one of the ST3 alloys last night. Really annoyed me as I haven't scuffed an alloy for 9 years!!!! I kept a set of Audi laser cut rotors perfect for 2 years
I will probably be selling the car in a year or so, will one small scuff devalue the car massively? Not sure I want to refurb one wheel given the potential issues of mismatching the Rado Grey, and a new alloy at £240 is a bit too much for one scuff!
Got a quote from that forces discount that is certainly not appealing lol.
2k deposit. 36 months at 259pm. 11.7%Apr. Pfft. Works out 21k. Insane.
It looks to me that the ST1 still has recaros they're just cloth. I don't really care for leather so I may just save my £1k and go for the ST1?